[TYPO3-ttnews] Success - RIP tt_news, hello tx_news

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Sun Apr 1 14:37:13 CEST 2012

Hi Thomas,

thanks for your posting!

Am 01.04.2012 13:43, schrieb Thomas Skierlo:
> 1) Category menu (Templates/Category/List.html). Is there a possibility
> to sort the categories for FE rendering? The "sorting" field from DB
> 'tx_news_domain_model_category' is respected only in the BE.

if it looks like a bug, don't hesitate to open an issue at forge.

> 2) Single view: In my old tt_news setup I had links to previous/next
> article in single view. Is there a way to get this page-browser
> functionality into tx_news?

I won't do that as it is just not possible know at the single view which
news are the one before and after as e.g. in many installations one
single view page is used for multiple different list+latest view which
could be even have some category/whatever filtering...

So if you need this feature, use a custom viewhelper to get the id of
the next/prev news.

> 3) I wanted dramatical changes to the templates and the styles (less
> divs, less and more descriptive classes a.s.o.).

If you got time, wanna provide a better demo template?

> What
> worries me a little is the next update of the extension. 

no reason. Look at a controller and those things which are handed over
to the view - this is basically the collection of news records and
everything is done in the view anyways ..

of course, if there are new viewhelpers added, you need to add those to
the template as well but if I add different partials, you can ignore all
those things.

> In old tt_news
> days there was only a template and some typoscript, today I needed no
> Typoscript at all (will Typoscript finally die?) but a lot of customized
> files instead. 

TS won't die but it will get back to the one which is it good at -

> I think, updating fluid/Extbase based extensions might be
> a much harder task than doing the same with old-school extensions.

I doubt that ;)

> tx_news seems to be an excellent extension, and for me it's ready for
> production. The MVC principles, as well as fluid, are very easy to
> understand - at least if you have some MVC background. It's more to chew
> for the classical TYPO3 integrators, which did not have to know much
> about programming at all.

IMO it will also get easier for the nonprogrammers as it is far easier
to change things with fluid. In earlier days you needed to start to
program a hook - now you do an <f:if condition> which is really easy to

> Thank you Georg for your excellent work.

thanks to you and all the guys and girls who use the extension and
spread the word!

What should be the next steps?

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