[TYPO3-ttnews] newscalendar & news vs. tt_news?

Sy Moen josiah.moen at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 02:38:17 CEST 2011

*** tt_news should be in git.typo3.org ***

I have brought this up before... not sure if it was the best idea, but:

There are a bazillion installs that use tt_news. For that reason alone, I
believe that there should be a git repo for tt_news somewhere. Maybe an
unofficial one on github, or maybe one on the TYPO3 git server. It doesn't
really matter to me.*

The point is that there are a lot of patches and feature requests for
tt_news and people will continue to develop and patch tt_news for a long
time (lifetime of 4.5 at least). For that reason it needs to be in git. IMO,
on the TYPO3 git server.

@Jordan - I would not worry about tt_news. It will be around for a long
time. Eventually people will create a means to move tt_news to news, and
there will be a new calendar system too. Its just the nature of the thing.
The problem that we are running into now is that developers that would like
to work on tt_news in a small way don't really have a way to do it... yet.
That will happen too, soon enough.

@Georg - I would not waste my time on half of the things that have been
posted on the lists lately. You are clearly one of the most generous people
most of us have ever met, not to mention you are a really nice guy. But...
there are certain situations that just don't warrant all that niceness ;)
You certainly don't have to justify yourself to us. Just be who you are, and
grateful people everywhere will be happy. Ungrateful people (not you,
Jordan... unnamed others) will be ungrateful... but, that's just the way it

* My opinion is that all the ext's should be in a git repo managed
anonymously through the TER in some way... but that is rabbit trail.

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 11:42 AM, ben van 't ende <ben.vantende at typo3.org>wrote:

> > I hope we all get better things to do on a rainy sunday - at least me
> >
> > over and out
> > Georg
> Hey Georg,
> Next time just come to a sprint on a rainy sunday ;-) Enough useful stuff
> to do
> overhere at the typo3.org relaunch sprint.
> gRTz
> ben
> --
> TYPO3 Community Manager
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