[TYPO3-ttnews] TT-News Slowdown

Louis Coppola lcoppola at ga-institute.com
Tue Apr 21 18:37:52 CEST 2009


I am having a problem with a slowdown on our tt_news extension database 
requests whenever there is a list item on a page it takes a long time. 
On the homepage of www.accountability-central.com there are 5-10 list 
content elements which require multiple queries and sometimes take over 
60 seconds to generate the page.

We have very large tt_news tables in our databases..
For example
tt_news = 72430 Rows 184.7MB and Index is 1.6MB
tt_news_cat = 627 rows 31.1 kB and index is 17kB
tt_news_cat_mm = 207915 ROWS 4MB and 4.1MB Index

Has anyone else had experience with working with such large tt_news 
databases and has anyone found ways to tweak the queries or change 
something else to increase the speed.  We are starting to have real 
issues and our article counts are increasing fast.

Anyone have any recommendations on configuration options or 
customizations that can increase our speed?

Does archiving items increase the speed of the queries?  (Because the 
items still stay in the same table etc, so would it make a difference 
that the archive column is ticked with 1?)  By the way none of our 
articles are "Archived"

I am currently running through the table queries that will removed 
expired and deleted items (anything with the 1 tick in those columns) to 
try and shrink the table, but we are still having major slowdowns.

Any ideas?  Will 3.0 help with this when it comes out?  When is 3.0 

Thanks in advance for any advice


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