[TYPO3-ttnews] tt_news 3.0.0dev --update 2

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Sun Apr 20 19:53:16 CEST 2008

hi testers,

I have a job for you ;-)
here are some improvements and new features I recently uploaded to the
tt_news SVN:

* improved tree display in BE:
 - if useStoragePid is enabled each tree shows the GRSP folder and its id as
 - in be_users/groups the categories are now grouped by sysfolder.

* Changed handling of StoragePid/GRSP:
 - category tree in tt_news, tt_news_cat and tt_content: If "useStoragePid"
is enabled and no GRSP is given the script looks for categories in the
current page.
 - category tree in be_users/groups: the tree shows all categories from all
pages ("useStoragePid" is ignored)
 - news-admin module: 
     -- If "useStoragePid" is enabled (and GRSP is visible for the current
user) the module diplays all categories found in the current GRSP - no
matter which page is actually selected in pagetree. The selection in the
pagetree filters only the displayed news and not the categories.
     -- If "useStoragePid" is enabled and NO GRSP is given, only the
categories from the current page will be displayed (that was the behaviour
also with given GRSP before this change).

* new feature: with the new TS parameters "amenuStart" and "amenuEnd" it's
now possible to configure an AMENU content element to display news only
from a certain period.

* new feature: "displayCatMenu.catPidList" and "displayCatMenu.recursive"
give users the possibility to set a pidList for the categorymenu content
element. (overrides GRSP if given)

* new feature - stolen from timtab ;-): the singleview can now display two
links that point to the previous and next article (template markers:
###PREV_ARTICLE###, ###NEXT_ARTICLE###). The field which is taken to select
the previous/next article is configurable:
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.nextPrevRecSortingField (default: datetime)

* new feature: the catmenu can now be configured to add/not add the archive
parameters to its links. plugin.tt_news.catmenuWithArchiveParams (default =

* new feature: added a searchbox to the news-admin module (same as in
web->list). if the search shows or not is configurable in TSConfig:
mod.web_txttnewsM1.list.show.search (default = 1)

* new feature: with "mod.web_txttnewsM1.list.clickTitleMode" it's possible
to configures the behavior of the record-title link in lists in the
news-admin module.
Possible values: "edit" = link editform, "view" = link FE singleView, any
other value: don't link. Default is "edit". The "edit" link is only
inserted if the user has sufficient permisssions, the "view" link needs a
value for "tx_ttnews.singlePid" (TSConfig) to work.

* new feature: added a checkbox to the BE list view which allows users to
switch off the image thumbnails.

* new feature: added a TSConfig option to show the "create new category"
button or not (mod.web_txttnewsM1.catmenu.show.btn_newCategory = 1)

* new feature: added a TSConfig option to configure the size of the
thumbnails (mod.web_txttnewsM1.list.imageSize)

* fix !IMPORTANT! requires DB update (related to bugs 3531,3907): "news
records loose categories/relations when published/swapped into WS".
Solution: removed all "unsigned" attributes from the mm tables in
ext_tables.sql. Now publishing of news with categories or related news
works correctly in TYPO3 version >= 4.1.7

* fix: the FE listview and the list in the news-admin module did show
not-published versions when dontUsePidList was enabled.
* fix: adapted the news-admin list to styles to TYPO3 4.2RC2
* fix: the title of the fe-catmenu is now localized
* fix: related news links do work with realurl now
* fix: it was not possible to mount/allow non-root categories in trees. 
* fix: the AMENU didn't take the pid_list into account when doing the
count() queries for the archive periods

* enhancement: grouped the constants in 3 sections: "basic" (templatefile,
pid_list, singlePid, backPid, archivelink), "xml-feeds" (feed-related
settings) and "advanced" (all the rest). In most cases it should be
sufficient to fill out the pids in the basic section to get an output from
the news plugin.

as always the current version can be downloaded directly from SVN or from




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