[TYPO3-ttnews] News categories and permissions

H.E.Weenink | Aristo WebDesign h.e.weenink at aristo-webdesign.nl
Sat Nov 17 07:38:45 CET 2007

Hello Tony,  

> I'm new to TYPO3 and I'm struggling a bit with tt_news.
Tt_news is one of the best extensions to start with. By the time you can
"play" with tt_news you are no newbie anymore. So you made a good choice!

> On my site the main BE user group has access to update all pages.
> There are several minor BE groups who can only update their own page (and
> * allow the main group to add "general" news to the main News page
> * allow each minor group to add news to their own news page
> * have a global news page that shows all news (including from 
> the minor 
> groups) and allow visitors to select the categories they want to view
> * main group can add news to any category
> * minor groups can add news to only their own categories
> * any news item can be either public or restricted to a FE user group

FE and BE have differente approaches. First FE
-	For every FE group you may restrict with combination of two things: 
	1.	Restrict pages with tt_news plugin to groups. This means you
	2.	Restrict tt_news categories to FE-Groups. 
	NB	I sometimes use third method too, by restrictings
storagepages to Fegroups. This way newsitems can be placed in restricted
sysmap and only certain FE-groups may see this. I advise to start with
choosing 1 method as primary and perhaps a second method as secondary. Start
with good policy here or you get a lot of helpdeskquestions ;-)
Specially because you have to combine this with BE-policy!

-	For every BE group make OWN sysmap to store their newsitems 
-	Store caterogies in DIFFERENT sysmap. Could be basic storage folder.
-	In the plugin there is startingpoint. Fill this with links to ALL
news-sysmaps (that way your plugit will allways find the newsitems whereever
they are. 
-	Set plugins to the categories you have choosen. 
-	Setup BE usergroups and restrict them to only add/edit newsitems in
the sysmaps they  are allowed too. 

As said, this can give lot of helpdeskacitvity, so make your plan first,
-	what plugins and where. 
-	FE-groups plan, who  may see what: pages, categories, and newsitems
out of what sysmaps 
-	BE-groups plan, who may add/edit newsitems in what sysmaps 
PS	You could even place newscategories in more then 1 storage folder
and give restrict access to BE- groups, that way BE-users will only see
categories they are allowed too. 

Succes, Eef 

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