[TYPO3-ttnews] crop and [more]

Thomas Hümmler listnews.huemmler at onlinehome.de
Tue Apr 3 00:48:50 CEST 2007

Hello Peter,

* Peter Klein wrote on [02.04.07 21:21]:
> Hi Thomas. Try this (untested)
> -- cut --
> subheader_stdWrap {
>                crop = 270 | &nbsp;...<span 
> class=morelink>{register:newsMoreLink}</span> | 1
>                insertData = 1
> }
> -- cut --

Great. That is exactly what I was searching for. Thank you. Now
arises just another problem on my way: The [more]-link appears 
in a news article, which consists only of bodytext or of an 
subheader and which is longer than 270 chars. That's fine.

But if a news article consists of a shorter subhead (< 270 chars) plus 
bodytext, there is no link. Right now I habe two workarounds: First to 
crop at about 150 chars, but that doesn't look good in the LATEST-view. 
Second, and that is a situation, I can hardly explain to the editors, 
to put the subhead in the bodytext and wrap an <h>-Tag around. How can 
I manage this situation? I have tried something with general_stdWrap 
and content_stdWrap, but failed. Has somebody any ideas?


* Thomas Hümmler * http://www.huemmler.de

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