[TYPO3-ttnews] crop and [more]

Thomas Hümmler listnews.huemmler at onlinehome.de
Mon Apr 2 12:36:33 CEST 2007

Hello again,

this issue I have previously posted in the german user list, but get no
answer. I hope this is the right place.

I want a [more]-Link combined with a crop in the Latest-View. By now I have 
the following TS-Code:

subheader_stdWrap {
               crop = 270 |  ... | 1

               append = TEXT
               append {
                      data = register:newsMoreLink
                      wrap = <span class=morelink>&nbsp;|</span>
                      if {
                         isTrue.field = bodytext
######################## isGreaterThan = 270 # Test, if bodytext has
more than 270 chars

My aim is to show a [more]-Link only, if the bodytext has more than 270
characters. I wanted to manage this with an if-clause (something like 
if bodytext > 270), but right now I am not so convenient with TS. Any
help ist appreciated.

BTW, is there a possibility to put that directly in the crop-line?


* Thomas Hümmler * http://www.huemmler.de

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