[TYPO3-ttnews] Standard rendering for tt_news

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Wed Jan 18 07:55:23 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1


there regularly have been problems with the RTE rendering of tt_news. Correct me
if I am wrong. It comes or came in the past with an own page/userTS
configuration of rendering RTE -> DB and and with an own PHP rendering class.

What is the status today?

I think that the user expects that the RTE works in the same way for all
extensions by default, as long as he doesn't want to configure something special
himself. If he want's to confiugre something it usually should affect all
plugins, so again he is interested in the default configuration of RTE.

That's why I think that plugins shouldn't come with an own pageTS configurations
or alterations of the rendering class. That brings more problems than solutions.

I think we should work on better default configuration instead and give input
where needed to htmlarea.

Is there a plan for this? What is the status?



- --
Climate change 2006 is killing people: floods in California, drought and fires
in Australia, Texas, Sahel, Oklahoma, South Africa. The Bush administration is
responsible for corruption of the Kyoto Protocol. The US majority is responsible
to the world for reelection of a convictable [...censored by Echelon...].
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