[TYPO3-ttnews] tags are not rendered when adding fields to tt_news

Stefan Kaufmann kaufmann at dwwd.ch
Thu Aug 24 19:44:59 CEST 2006

Hi list,

I came across a problem which I can not solve myself.

.I added additional text fields to tt_news with the kickstarter extension.

.they show up in the BE and and text can be entered and saved.

.to do this I use the htmlarea 1.4.1

The problem is that the HTML tags used with htmlarea are not correctly 
rendered or even omitted, e.g. line brakes showing up correctly in BE 
won't be rendered in the front end.

Does anyone have an idea where I would have to start troubleshooting?
The 'bodytext' field - main text field of tt_news ext. works fine.

Thanks for your help!
Stefan Kaufmann

Here an extract of the setup from my ext_tables.php file:

"tx_ttnewsaddfields_field_2" => Array (		
		"exclude" => 1,		
		"label" => 
		"config" => Array (
			"type" => "text",
			"cols" => "30",
			"rows" => "5",
			"wizards" => Array(
				"_PADDING" => 2,
				"RTE" => Array(
					"notNewRecords" => 1,
					"RTEonly" => 1,
					"type" => "script",
					"title" => "Full screen Rich Text Editing|Formatteret redigering i 
hele vinduet",
					"icon" => "wizard_rte2.gif",
					"script" => "wizard_rte.php",















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