[TYPO3-ttnews] some news from tt_news cvs

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Thu Apr 6 22:01:10 CEST 2006


I uploaded a bunch of fixes and new features to the tt_news CVS:

* feature: added the possibility to exclude (or include) categories for
certain users in BE forms. The list of excluded or included categories is
configurable in user/group TSconfig (Thanks to Franz Ripfel for sponsoring

tt_newsPerms.tt_news_cat.excludeList = 
tt_newsPerms.tt_news_cat.includeList =

* feature: added the possibility to exclude (or include) categories in the
FrontEnd category menu. Now it is configurable which categories are shown
in the catmenu. This configuration can be done in the contentelement or by


plugin.tt_news {
  displayCatMenu.excludeList =
  displayCatMenu.includeList =

* feature: Made the maximum height of the category selector in BE forms
configurable in the extension configuration.
* feature: added support for nested fe usergroups (requires TYPO3 4.0).
* feature: raised number of images in the tt_news db-record to 99 (changed
db fieldtype to text).
* fix: added support for caching of all pagebrowser links.
* fix: the title attribute of links in the list view is localized correctly
* fix: added support for human readable dates to liks in XML feeds.
* fix: corrected wrong building of the query to make the search is work
* feature: added support for filtering XML feeds by category from GET vars.
* feature: now the related news can also be showed in the list or latest
view (new TS option: alwaysShowRelated).
* fix: corrected building of links on categories in mode "act as category
* feature: added support for caching to links on categories in mode "act as
category selector".
* feature: added stdWrap to categories in XML feeds.
* feature: raised the size for images to 10MB.
* fix: fixed date conversion from human readable dates to internal vars (pS
& pL) (thank goes to Ernesto Baschny for the patch).
* fix: fixed a bug bug which caused related news not to be linked, when the
singlePid was not configured in constants.
* version number is now 2.2.41

And kudos to Ingo Renner who added support for ATOM 1.0 feeds. 

Since there are still problems with the synchronizing of developer cvs and
anonymous cvs on sourceforge I uploaded the new tt_news dev version to my

you can get it here:


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