[TYPO3-timtab] My Widget concept - and why its not list_type

Lina Wolf liste at linawolf.de
Fri Aug 13 10:28:10 CEST 2010


Also the TSconfig for the widget was removed. I have been told by my 
testers that this is a great help in creating widgets. How would you 
like we just set a configuration switch for either using the wizicon 
version (suggested =< TYPO3 v. 4.2) and the newer, TSconfig based 
wisicon generation. The advantage of the later is also that power admins 
may change or disable the wisicon for the widgets if they have different 

Also at the end of the widget how would you like changing

$content = $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content);


$content = $this->cObj->stdWrap($content, $conf['stdWrap.']);

if (!$this->conf['disableBaseWrap']) {
     $content = $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content);

Reason: If you want to use a widgets output in  a non HTML Context you 
do not want any hardcoded <div> and comments. Lets say you use the 
widget for XML Output or as flash parameters or the such. If you disable 
the BaseWrap you could create your own wrap using stdWrap.

Greetings Lina

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