[TYPO3-timtab] Why change calendar ajax from eID to pagetype?

Timo Webler timo.webler at dkd.de
Fri Aug 13 09:48:05 CEST 2010


i changed the calendar Ajax widget from eId to page types, because the
widget use the full fe functionality.
I looked at the discussion "to eID or not to eID?":

>Such a minimal system is needed for AJAX responses, but it can also be
useful is other cases.
>> But if I do need the full program in my Ajax response: typolinks,
>> a cObject, Typoscript, therefore the whole TypoScript building process,
>> localised strings, therfore...
> If you need the full TYPO3 system then eID would not have many
advantages over the normal, full system, > > wouldn't it? :-)

And that is, what we do in the calendar widget.

The second opinion was, that you can use this pagetype for every widget.
You only need an condition, to rewrite the ts "widgetType" option.


Am 12.08.10 23:03, schrieb Lina Wolf:
>  Hey Timo,
> Why the did you change the calendar Ajax from using eID's to using page
> types? the eID was actually invented to create ajax calls and the such.
> It is evident that doing a call by eID is much faster here then by page
> type. Also page types might always intefere with other extensions page
> types. Please also see discussion "to eID or not to eID?" on the dev
> list and expecially Dmitrys remark on that one.
> Lina

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