[TYPO3-templavoila] get content with help of API for ke_search

Stefan Frömken firma at sfroemken.de
Wed May 30 08:33:42 CEST 2012

Hello TemplaVoila-Team,

we are just trying to create a new indexer for TemplaVoila records 
within our public version of ke_search. We need a hint or a solution how 
to collect the rendered content of one page. Our indexer works as a 
backend module so it should be nice to have a clean solution that works 
in BE, too. OK...there is an API, but in my kind of view I can only 
copy, reference and interact with contentelements, but there is no 
method to retrieve the content of a FCE, Section or what ever.
There is a second possibility: I can build a temporary TSFE in BE and 
try to retrieve the content out of the main function of pi1. But in my 
option this is not the best solution, isn't it?

Is there someone who can help me?



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