[TYPO3-templavoila] Get rid of the bad concept used/unused elements?

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at atwebteam.com
Thu Nov 23 15:04:24 CET 2006


The concept 'Unused/used elements' it today the *main* reason,
why I personally don't use TemplaVoila.

Unused elements is weird, ackward and confusing concept. Unused element
is not hidden element, neither deleted even if in practise it works
like both of them.
The concept was created because it was not in many situation place
content elements directly into correct place. Unused elements are
then temporary storage for content elements, which has not bee mapped

* someone has created them using the standard page module
* someone has created them using the content element wizard from other 
than the page module
* someone has created them using them in fronent editing (concerns older 

It would be good the get rid of the confusing concept.
For ordinary users
* restict creating new content elements using Web > List
* restict creating new content elements using wizard elsewhere than from 
page module
* disable standard page module
* disable link 'Unlink'
* disable the entire concept

Then normal users could get rid that bad concept.

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