[TYPO3-Solr] Scheduled Typo3 elements and elements below disabled pages are not processed as expected

Marcus Zerwes ZerwesMa43483 at th-nuernberg.de
Fri Jul 10 15:59:25 CEST 2015


we see some (for us) unexpected behavior with time based items in 
Typo4.5 and tx_solr 3.0.0 when e.g.
a) tt_news items have a (future) archive date
b) pages/content are created with (future) expiration date
All these items are not removed at the expected date, as there seems to 
be no scheduler for that.
Are these scenarios not covered by tx_solr? If so, is there a 
recommended way of achieving the desired behavior?
I cannot find anything about that (in list archive / wiki / issues).
(Items which have a future acess start date work okay. Well, they 
produce log error messages, but that's okay.)

Furthermore, is it expected behavior that pages which are in hierarchy 
below disabled pages are indexed?
Is it required to have them all explicitely disabled, or would there be 
a nice workaround (e.g. via rootline)?

Kind regards,

Marcus Zerwes

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