[TYPO3-Solr] Index Qeue job wrong URL when cron used

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Sun Feb 8 16:55:20 CET 2015


On 08/02/2015 12:01, Robert W wrote:
> Thank you for the response. We have multiple domains running on the same
> TYPO3 instance. we have typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl = 1 for that reason.
> If we make this absolute, it is our understanding that it will cause
> problems with searching multiple domains.

When the index queue worker task is started by the cronjob (no by a 
backend user) it runs in command line context. In that situation there 
are no server variables available to properly create absolute URLs.
In the index queue TypoScript configuration you should therefore set 
forceAbsoluteUrl to 0

> A litle background:
> When in the main domain, the user should be able to search the main
> domain and all subdomains. When the user is inside a subdomain, they
> should only see results for what is indexed in the subdomain. We have a
> main search field which appears on all site pages. When inside a
> subdomain, there is a second search field which only searches the
> subdomain.
> Question - are there settings we can put in the Typoscript for
> tx_solr.index.queue which will be picked up by the
> solr/Scheduler/IndexQueueWorkerTask protected function
> initializeHttpHost method? To resolve this problem

If you have several domains in your installation (assuming they all have 
their own page tree in the installation), each has its domain record.

In the solr index there is a field with the site (domain) name and a 
field with the relative URL.

In the configuration of the search results there is a a section which 
determines how the links in the results are built 
(plugin.tx_solr.search.results.fieldRenderingInstructions) here you can 
create the absolute links. Example:
plugin.tx_solr.search.results.fieldRenderingInstructions.url.pages {
   field = url
   dataWrap = http://{field:site}/|
   htmlSpecialChars = 1
   htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1

There are of course other ways to combine the site with the URL; this 
was just a simple example. If you use a typolink configuration in the 
fieldRenderingInstructions with the uid to a single view page of news, 
the links are probably correct. The reason is of course that in these 
cases the links are generated during the rendering of the search 
results. We are now in frontend context and all the server variables for 
generating URLs are present.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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