[TYPO3-Solr] solr, tx_news and link to news detail page

Marc Wöhlken woehlken at quadracom.de
Fri Apr 24 11:27:36 CEST 2015

I have set up solr to index my tx_news items which works just fine.
The only thing that's not working is generating the link to the detail
view of news items.

I have included the static typoscript template "Index queueu
configuration for news" and adapted the corresponding typoscript to
use the uid of my news detail page:

plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.news.fields.url.typolink.parameter = 509

Instead of linking to the page with uid 509 all news items are linked
to the starting page of my website.

Any ideas what's going wrong?

Using solr 3.0.0 with tx_news 3.0.1 and TYPO3 6.2.11

Hoping for some hints
Marc Wöhlken                     TYPO3 certified integrator

Quadracom - Proffe & Wöhlken

Rembertistraße 32              WWW: http://www.quadracom.de
D-28203 Bremen                E-Mail: woehlken at quadracom.de
______________             PGP-Key: http://pgp.quadracom.de

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