[TYPO3-Solr] Problem with index of new news items

Danilo Kühn danilo.kuehn at projektmotor.de
Mon May 5 11:53:40 CEST 2014


I don't know if I miss an option but I have problem to index new news
items. I have an Index Queue Worker and Commit Solr Index in the
scheduler running. A new news item was created and after some time the
scheduler runs both tasks, but the new item did not appear in the index.
What is wrong there?

I'm only indexing the news items.
Plugin-Version: 2.8.3
Here my config:

# Allgemeine Konfiguration
plugin.tx_solr {
  enabled = 1
  enableDebugMode = 0

  solr {
    host =
    port = 8080
    path = /solr/core_de
    scheme = http
  templateFiles {
    pagebrowser = fileadmin/templates/solr/pagebrowser.htm
    results     = fileadmin/templates/solr/results.htm
    search      = fileadmin/templates/solr/search.htm
  suggest = 1
  statistics = 1

# Indexing
plugin.tx_solr.index.queue {
  pages >
  news = 1
  news {
    additionalPageIds = 5
    table = tx_news_domain_model_news
    fields {
      doctype_stringS = doctype
      newstype_intS = type
      topnews_boolS = istopnews
      uptodate_boolS = uptodate
      title = title
      abstract = teaser
      content = SOLR_CONTENT
      content {
        cObject = COA
        cObject {
          10 = TEXT
          10 {
             field = bodytext
             noTrimWrap = || |
      filename_stringS = SOLR_RELATION
      filename_stringS {
          localField = related_files
      foreignLabelField = file
      category_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
      category_stringM {
        localField = categories
        multiValue = 1
      tags_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
      tags_stringM {
        localField = tags
        multiValue = 1

      keywords = SOLR_MULTIVALUE
      keywords {
        field = keywords
      url = TEXT
      url {
        typolink.parameter = 11
        typolink.additionalParams =
        typolink.additionalParams.insertData = 1
        typolink.useCacheHash = 1
        typolink.returnLast = url

    attachments {
      fields = related_files

# Search
plugin.tx_solr.search {
  spellchecking = 1
  results {
    resultsPerPage = 10
    resultsPerPageSwitchOptions = 10, 20, 30, 50, 100
  faceting = 1
  faceting {
    facets {
      type >
      category {
        label = Kategorie
        field = category_stringM
      doctype {
        label = Dokumenttyp
        field = doctype_stringS

# Logging
plugin.tx_solr.logging {
  exceptions = 1
  indexing {
    indexQueueInitialization = 1
    missingTypo3SearchMarkers = 1
    pageIndexed = 1
    queue {
      news = 1
  query {
    filters = 1
    searchWords = 1
    queryString = 1
    rawPost = 1
    rawGet = 1

# Search Plugin
lib.tx_solr_pi_search = USER_INT
lib.tx_solr_pi_search {
  includeLibs = typo3conf/ext/solr/pi_search/class.tx_solr_pi_search.php
  userFunc = tx_solr_pi_search->main

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