[TYPO3-Solr] no result on frontend despite records well indexed in typo3 solr

COZANET Mathieu Mathieu.COZANET at agencerecherche.fr
Wed Jun 25 09:25:45 CEST 2014


This is a strange behaviour: I have 9000+ records showing in solr typo3 admin page, but none on result page. There is no error in devlog, there is a domainrecord on typo3 root...

I work on a test copy of the real website, with a dedicated solr core. Indexing via scheduler goes well. There's nothing different between production website configuration and templates files and test site ones. Except the fact that results are available on production website...

I even created a new core to test, but no more result on frontend.

Typo3 version is 4.5.16 and typo3 solr extension is 2.5.0 (I know this is not the last one but I can't update production website). Solr specif version says

Has anyone any clue?



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