[TYPO3-Solr] Dynamic solr link based on page TypoScript Configuration

Robert W rewebit at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 14:31:14 CEST 2014


A TypoScript question related to building links with the solr extension during indexing. I am using the tt_news example (https://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-solr/wiki/Tx_solrindex#queue) as a base for indexing several of our extensions. The content for the extensions seems to be found and indexed, but the link is not properly built. Being new to TypoScript, I'm not sure of everything that is possible to do with it.

looking at the tt_news example:  
     typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}     (or some folks declare the actual page number)

My problem is our extension does not use a parameter such as "{$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}" for locating the detail page. Also we can not simply declare which page in the pagetree is the detail page. The detail page pid is set within the page TypoScript Configuration for the data folder which holds the content, the extension uses the parameter to locate the detail page in the pagetree. This allows us to break out content into specific data folders ("children", "health", etc.), then set the page TypoScript Configuration with the needed parameter and the extension knows how to get the content to the detail page.The pid for the data folder, containing the content, is part of the database record. Therefore this pid can be used to locate the data folder which has the needed parameter in its TypoScript Configuration, which points to the detail page where we want to render the actual content.

Is it possible using TypoScript, within the context of     plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.<extension>.fields.url   to connect with the page where the TypoScript parameter is contained, so that the pid of the detail page can be found?

Thank you for your help

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