[TYPO3-Solr] SOLR_RELATION question: tt_news & tt_address

Bernhard Karimi bkarimi at gmx.de
Sun Jun 30 21:16:48 CEST 2013


I want to index tt_news records.
The author name is stored in tt_address.name.
In the tt_news table I have a field tx_newsauthorextended_author, that
keeps the uid of the author in tt_address. This relation is not in the TCA.
How can I define this relation for the queueindexer?

plugin.tx_solr.index.queue {

	tt_news = 1
	tt_news {
		fields {
			author = tx_newsauthorextended_author
			description = short
			title = title

			content = SOLR_CONTENT
			content {
				field = bodytext

			author_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
	    		author_stringM {
	    		    localField = tx_newsauthorextended_author
	    		    foreignLabelField = tt_address.uid

Thanks in advance!


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