[TYPO3-Solr] Commit Solr Index scheduler task failing with 503 error

Bernhard Karimi bkarimi at gmx.de
Wed Jun 5 08:18:43 CEST 2013

thanks for your replies!

Helpfull was at the end this bugreport
"Hi Laurent,
we're already using Tomcat 6.0.36 and Solr 3.6.2:
Make sure you've updated your install script."

In our first - failing - approach we tried to use the debian tomcat
service. With this install-solr.sh we use the local tomcat inside the
opt/solr-tomcat directory. (With the side effect that after each reboot
the tomcat has to be restarted...)
Anyway, solr, tomcat and typo3 are connected so far and we are happy.


Am 04.06.2013 13:37, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> Hi!
> Bernhard Karimi wrote:
>> there is a bug report (http://forge.typo3.org/issues/48297) that
>> describes pretty much an error I have:
>> "When invoking the "Commit Solr Index" scheduler task (cronjob or even
>> manually) it fails with the following message:
>> Execution of task "Commit Solr Index (solr)" failed with the following
>> message: Solr response does not appear to be valid JSON, please examine
>> the raw response with getRawResponse() method"
>> Unfortunately there is no reaction so far. Has anybody a solution or at
>> least an idea?
> 1. Install a devlog extension.
> 2. Enable raw GET and raw POST logging in TS under plugin.tx_solr.....
> 3. Run the task
> 4. See messages in the AdminTools>devLog

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