[TYPO3-Solr] Getting rid of the domain record dependency in EXT:solr / XCLASS problem

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Wed Jul 17 13:57:18 CEST 2013


On 17-7-2013 13:34, Peter Kraume wrote:
> I don't want to get rid of domain records at all. I just want to
> configure them in text files instead of a database record.

Okay, so it's a feature request for the core :-)

I don't think this is possible, because 
uses the domain records to determine if the requested page is inside the 
domain and if no page Id is given to determine the root page of the domain.
This happens before the TypoScript of that page is constructed.

Seems to be a chicken & egg problem...

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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