[TYPO3-Solr] URL of a result-item doesn't get updated

Andy Pattynama andy.pattynama at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 13:59:00 CEST 2013


We are running TYPO3 4.5 with Solr 2.8.X and are indexing only tt_news records. The urls that get indexed are dependent on the news title. e.g.:
News-ID: 234
Title: This is the title
--> www.domain.com/news/this-is-the-title-234/

When we edit the title of a news and index&commit the changes to the Solr index, the title gets updated correctly on the result page but not the URL.
News-ID: 234
Title: This is the changed title
www.domain.com/news/this-is-the-title-234/ --> the URL stays the same on the result page.

This link will work as long as the tx_realurl_uniqalias doesn't get truncated. So my question is: Is it possible to update the URL for an item in the Solr index?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards,

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