[TYPO3-Solr] Solr Extension for typo3 - Wrong URL

Hauke Meyer meyer at visionconnect.de
Wed Jul 3 10:25:35 CEST 2013

Hi Dmitry,

Am 02.07.2013 17:13, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> Hi!
> Hauke Meyer wrote:
>> No, I didn't. It is a simple task "never do anything when you pull
>> anything out of a bucket when you can do it while putting it inside".
>> But while doing it "the right way" I came across an interesting
>> misbehavior inside typo3. The typolink call to generate the url produces
>> strange paths when called via the scheduler (I needed forceAbsoluteUrl
>> inside typolink).
> Because there is no host :)

No, not exactly. The URL was
http://sitename.com/path/to/virtualhost/index.php... In my opinion there
is no real handling for the cli way to do things inside typolink and the
generation of "TYPO3_SITE_PATH", if you need absolute urls. As I
mentioned we found the simple solution quite quick. The thing I wounder
about is that a lot people realize the way Ingo described in his mail
(31.10.2012) and was terrible wrong - (I do agree), but there is not a
complete solution for the problem because you crash into a strange
behavior of typo3. The behavior of typolink is not a feature but a bug
(I need to file this one).

May be the problem I got is very rare, but I think the way Jigal opens
and I completed is the solution for this problem. Or is there another
one outside ;-) For us it works like charm. Just to give lonely diggers
and complete thread.

>> @Dimitry Or is it possible to use your ext:pagepath instead of raw
>> typolink?
> You can try but I am not sure how this will work from scheduler.


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