[TYPO3-Solr] query.boostQuery or query.boostFunction for custom doktype(s)

Hendrik Nadler nadler at simplethings.de
Mon Sep 17 17:36:22 CEST 2012

Hi all,

i got some custom page-types in a TYPO3 installation, e.g. (doktype=) 33, 44 or 55. The doktype ist written in a custom Solr-field. In the search results 44 should be more important than 33 which is more important than 55. 

To simplify it: 44 > 33 > 55

The wiki mentions this example: 

> Example (boosts tt_news documents by factor 10):
> plugin.tx_solr.search.query.boostQuery = (type:tt_news)^10

Works fine for me, but how do I add multiple boostQueries like "(myDoktype_intS:44)^10, (myDoktype_intS:33)^9, (myDoktype_intS:55)^8" ? 

Do I need a boostFunction here? Im stuck...

Thanks for your help and regards,

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