[TYPO3-Solr] Installation

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Wed Nov 14 20:20:12 CET 2012


On 14-11-2012 16:38, Xaver Maierhofer wrote:
> Can I setup a crawler?
> I don't get content from locallang right now or other things.
> On pages I can select a area of content with <!--TYPO3 search coomment and
> Menu is in Index if I want it. Is it possible to "crawl" and I only setup TS
> for URL and is works like on a normal page.

Solr doesn't use a crawler (only old versions of the solr extension used 
that). Solr hooks into the core and notices when pages, content 
elements, news records, etc. are create, modified or deleted.
New and modified pages (or the pages the content elements belong to) are 
added to the indexing queue. When the indexing queue scheduler task runs 
these items are indexed.

In the page properties of pages that you don't want to be indexed you 
can check the option to exclude that page from searching.

For different languages it's best to set up a solr core for each 
language. The solr extension already contains core configurations for 
dozens of languages (each with appropriate configuration).

In your TypoScript configuration you have some setup for each language 
in your site. You can put the configuration for the solr cores for each 
language (the path to the core) in that setup.
You'll than need to have scheduler tasks for indexing, committing, etc. 
for each language.

The solr search plugin uses the language URL parameter into account and 
you will only search in the language that you select in the frontend of 
the website.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 Core Team member

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