[TYPO3-Solr] several problems with defining the queue fields

Stefan Sprenger stefan.sprenger at dkd.de
Thu May 3 17:25:05 CEST 2012

Hash: SHA1

Hi Tim,

regarding your first problem I guess you provide the wrong date format
(you've to provide a date [1] and not a timestamp).

Just have a look into the log file which is located at
/opt/solr-tomcat/tomcat/logs/catalina.out if you've used our install
There the error should be explained.

Best regards



Am 03.05.12 15:11, schrieb Tim Werdin:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm building an extension for a customer of us and the search
> should be handled by solr.
> Problem 1: I have a timestamp which should be shown as a normal
> date. In the mail "SEVERE: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
> Error while creating field" werner used the date type for the
> timestamp and only according to the missing root template this
> throws an error. The root template is inserted and I try the
> following TS
> plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.wv_stx3.fields { 
> initialRegistration_dateS = initial_registration }
> When I start the Index Queue Worker it shows 0% and in the devlog
> I found the following error: Message: Querying Solr using POST 
> Extra data: query url:
> http://localhost:8080/solr/core_en/update?wt=json content: <add
> allowDups="false" overwritePending="true" 
> overwriteCommitted="true"><doc><field 
> name="id">0a277fd3c7da28be7df129a52793f5ab09b5d175/tx_wvstx3_domain_model_car/1</field><field
> name="appKey">EXT:solr</field><field 
> name="site">http://www.autorate.de/cms</field><field 
> name="siteHash">0a277fd3c7da28be7df129a52793f5ab09b5d175</field><field
name="uid">1</field><field name="pid">67</field><field
> name="created">2012-02-07T13:16:16Z</field><field 
> name="changed">2012-04-10T10:17:05Z</field><field 
> name="access">r:0</field><field name="language">0</field><field 
> name="title">370Z 3.7 V6 Automatik Pack, Navi, 19 Zoll, PDC, 
> 1.Hand</field><field name="content">Gepflegter NISSAN 370Z PACK von
> uns als Nissan-Vertragshändler aus 1.Hand und lückenlosem
> Scheckheft mit Werksgarantie bis Juli 2012: Einparksensoren hinten
> optisch u. akustisch, ...</field><field 
> name="manufacturer_stringS">Nissan</field><field 
> name="model_stringS">370Z 3.7 V6 Automatik Pack, Navi, 19 Zoll,
> PDC, 1.Hand</field><field
> name="leasingrate_stringS">51</field><field 
> name="initialRegistration_dateS">1333569600</field><field 
> name="price_stringS">28480.0000</field><field 
> name="body_stringS">Coupé</field><field 
> name="color_stringS">Metallic</field><field 
> name="mileage_stringS">90</field><field 
> name="capacity_stringS">300</field><field
> name="fuel_stringS">Super Plus</field><field
> name="gear_stringS">Automatik</field><field 
> name="doors_stringS">5</field><field
> name="emissionClass_stringS">Euro 4</field><field 
> name="url">index.php?id=23&amp;tx_wvstx3_car%5Bcar%5D=1&amp;tx_wvstx3_car%5Baction%5D=show&amp;tx_wvstx3_car%5Bcontroller%5D=Car&amp;cHash=81b0c7691824c4fb8934c1c6bcb2c24d</field><field
name="sortTitle_stringS">370Z 3.7 V6 Automatik Pack, Navi, 19 Zoll, PDC,
> 1.Hand</field></doc></add> response: *_response:
> Apache_Solr_HttpTransport_Response Object ( 
> [_statusCode:Apache_Solr_HttpTransport_Response:private] => 400 
> [_statusMessage:Apache_Solr_HttpTransport_Response:private] => Bad
> Request [_mimeType:Apache_Solr_HttpTransport_Response:private] =>
> text/html [_encoding:Apache_Solr_HttpTransport_Response:private] =>
> utf-8 [_responseBody:Apache_Solr_HttpTransport_Response:private]
> => )
> I don't realy understand where the error is.
> I get the date to work properly with:
> plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.wv_stx3.fields { 
> initialRegistration_stringS = SOLR_CONTENT 
> initialRegistration_stringS.field = initial_registration 
> initialRegistration_stringS { strftime = %d.%m.%Y } }
> but I think this is not the correcr approach.

- -- 
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