[TYPO3-Solr] Solr AJAX Search Plugin - failure loading page (OT)

Dirk Wenzel listen at arkadias.de
Mon Jan 23 23:01:43 CET 2012

Hi Ingo,
sorry - I posted to the wrong list. My question is about the fluid solr 
widget contained in extension fed.

Kind regards

On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 10:26:21 +0100, Ingo Renner wrote
(in article <mailman.1.1327310782.4587.typo3-project-solr at lists.typo3.org>):
>> when I put a Solr AJAX Search Plugin into a page this page fails to load 
>> with 
>> the following error: 
>>> Tried to set argument "id", but setting arguments is forbidden.
>> The non-AJAX widget works fine.
>> What happens there? 
> What widgets are you talking about? There's nothing we call widgets in
> EXT:solr, I'm a bit confused... Maybe you can explain a bit more what
> you're trying to do..
> best
> Ingo

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