[TYPO3-Solr] Solr for bigger customer - considerations!?

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Fri Sep 2 18:08:44 CEST 2011

Am 02.09.11 12:46, schrieb Martin Bless:

Hi Martin,

> We are talking about a website with approx. 50 pagetrees some with up
> to 6 languages in some trees. Ca. 2.500 page in summary to be
> multiplied by a language factor.

Basicly setup will certainly take time to iterate thru. Depending on how
good your TYPO3 installation is you will need to test if your indexing
is correct.

> So indexed_search probably isn't the best the solution!? What would
> you say?

> Right now
> we need to answer these questions:
> (Q1) How much effort - measured in hours of work - would you
> calculate?

setup of the 6 languages cores: 2 hours
setup of your typoscript in the pagetree 1 hour minimum
setup of the search and resultspages. 1 hours minium per pagetree.
communication with the customer who suddenly finds a lot of obcure
content in his install. :-)

> (Q2) Is it advisable to switch to the "premium", that is, payed
> version? Is that differentiation still alive?

yes. eap is still there and looks for sponsors! dm me.

maybe you might give a call and discuss this too.


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