[TYPO3-Solr] 2.0.0-dev + Apache Solr 3.4

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Thu Oct 20 14:28:54 CEST 2011

Am 20.10.11 13:28, schrieb werner at aloah-from-hell.de:

> I've just installed the latest Version 2.0.0-dev with Solr 3.4 on a test-setup to see what
> improvements are there for the solr ext.
> First of all: thanks for this great extension. It's really nice, that since 2.0.0 solr itself
> takes care about deleting documents from the search-index as they are updated, hided and so on.
> So no more need for Hooks anymore :)

thanks werner!

> Nevermind, I'm playing around with the new trunk-version and detected, that forcing the deletion
> of a page from the index isn't working if "item typ" isn't set for a uid that needs to be deleted
> in Search-Area - but the output indicates that the deletion was successfull ("Document(s) with
> type pages and id 96 deleted").

can you file a bug report on forge?


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