[TYPO3-Solr] Indexer stops working after a while

Daniel Vogt daniel.vogt at kitd.com
Wed Oct 19 10:10:21 CEST 2011

>>> Can it be any cache setting issue???
>> do you use chash for your cache params?
>> Olivier
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> The contentHash field is set to indexed="true" in 
> general_schema_fields.xml. But the pages will only be indexed properly 
> in case of realurl ist switched off.
> Here an example:
> The following URLs (with swiched off realurl) will all be indexed:
> http://www.fujifilm.eu/eu/index.php?id=429&L=0&tx_fujifilmproducts_pi1[showUid]=43&tx_fujifilmproducts_pi1[mode]=3&cHash=43bca00738e62bed2ec0fcc00ac805c0 
> http://www.fujifilm.eu/eu/index.php?id=429&L=0&tx_fujifilmproducts_pi1[showUid]=43&tx_fujifilmproducts_pi1[mode]=3&cHash=2f851cd7dcab52738efc38aeadce4b5a 
> And the URLs below (with swiched on realurl) will only be indexed 
> once; the last one overrides the previous entry in the index:
> http://www.fujifilm.eu/eu/products/digital-cameras/d-slrlong-zoom/model/finepix-s1900/specifications/ 
> http://www.fujifilm.eu/eu/products/digital-cameras/d-slrlong-zoom/model/finepix-s1900/features/ 
> Do I have to implement any additional code into my extension in order 
> to fix that issue?
> Best, Daniel
I found out that the index-request to the SOLR doesn't contain a value 
for the contentHash. However the index-request from tt_news does contain 
this value, so that causes the problem in my extension. Now I have to 
find out why my extension seems to clear the cHash value.


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