[TYPO3-Solr] Question regarding "Subtypes" of Pages

Werner werner at aloah-from-hell.de
Tue Jun 28 17:18:26 CEST 2011

Hi together,

first of all: thanks again for this great extension :)

I have a question regarding custom queries that have an additional condition.
I've created TS-Code like follows to indicate pages "with a Subtype" that makes
it possible to granulate the search itself.

lib.customPageTitle = TEXT
lib.customPageTitle.value = News
[PIDinRootline = 8]

Furthermore I've created a new Field in the Solr schema.xml as follows
<field name="custompagetype" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true" />

Well, Page "News" (or subpages) are now correctly inicated in Solr with
a custompagetype, e.g.

<str name="custompagetype">News</str>

So far, so good =) Currently I'm setting up the search and result-forms and
there is the problem as i don't know how to tell solr-extension to consider
the custompagetype.

This is working fine:
<div class="input"><input type="checkbox" name="tx_solr[filter][0]" value="type:pages" class="solr_filter"/>on the Page</div>

Directly in Solr-Admin I'm able to search for my "custom"-pages with the following search string:
{!field f=custompagetype}News

But how do I implment this into the search-form/T3-Solr-Extension? This doesn't work:
<div class="input"><input type="checkbox" name="tx_solr[filter][0]" value="custompagetype:News" class="solr_filter"/>within News</div>

Any hints are very welcome :)


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