[TYPO3-Solr] Indexing external documents

Thomas Hempel thomas at typo3-unleashed.net
Wed Mar 3 10:48:47 CET 2010


first of all, thanks to all developers (I guess Ingo in particular) for 
the hard work and this nice piece of software!

I just get whole thing up and running in about a day which is pretty 
good in my eyes if you take into account that I have zero experience 
with all that fancy Java stuff.

Anyway, after indexing the first few pages I asked myself if indexing of 
external documents (files like PDF etc.) is possible right now.
I didn't find any information on that. All I see is, that the page get 
indexed by solr but not the included referenced pdf documents.

After some short investigation, I figured out, that there existed a 
project [1] for indexing files but it was marked with "DEPRECATED. This 
code will not be committed to Solr.".

Is there and option to turn this on? Do you have any sub-project 
addressing this? Do I have to implement this on my own?


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateRichDocuments

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