[TYPO3-seminars] How to make the field "title" editebale

ACM.Tersteeg at mindef.nl ACM.Tersteeg at mindef.nl
Mon Oct 1 15:03:44 CEST 2012


Some time it is needed to add a attendee via the backend.
You can do this with the module "events" tab "registrations" or with the "list" module and selecting the right sysfolder and "create new record"
This OK  . . . . . .

But if we do this,  the field "Title" stays empty . I think this is understandable because the backend is a straight database record editor and make no use of function "createTitle()" in the class.tx_seminars_registrations.

But why is the field read only.

Is it possible to make this field editable in the backend ? so we can fill in the field manual.

Thanks for any help

A.C.M. (Ton) Tersteeg
Spectrum engineer

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