[TYPO3-seminars] Confirmation-email on registration for attendee: non-English emails mix up variables

Schuler, J. Peter M. J.Peter.M.Schuler at paluno.uni-due.de
Thu Jun 28 10:06:33 CEST 2012

Hi everybody, 

System Details: Seminars 0.9.3; TYPO3 4.5.16; php 5.2.x; mysql 5.0.x; oelib 0.7.7; ameos formidable 1.1.549; default language of the TYPO3 System is "de"; L=1 corresponds to "en"; L=2 corresponds to "nl". I included default seminars TS and reduced my custom pre-0.9 TypoScript to just the PIDs. Still following problem occurs: 

If I register for an event on the English page version I get a correct confirmation email (see mails below) for the attendee. If I register in the german (or nl) version I get a mixed up confirmation email. Name, title and date are somehow in wrong order and there are two greetings in German (in nl only one). Switching to "informal" salutation doesn't solve the issue, but generates comparable results. Last used seminars version was 0.8.x, but updater ran, l10n and temp files deleted according to documentation.

Is this some unreported error here (at least the bugtracker didn't show one in my searches and I wonder how this could come unreported) or did I do something wrong without knowing?

Thanks for any clues and Regards, 

==========================English email================
= Topic: Registration confirmation: TITEL-DER-VERANSTALTUNG, 29.-30.06.2012
Dear Mr. Schuler, Jens Peter M.,

thank you for registering for the event "TITEL-DER-VERANSTALTUNG" on 29.-30.06.2012.
[.....] (additional details are correct)

==========================German email================
= Topic: Anmeldebestätigung: TITEL-DER-VERANSTALTUNG, 29.-30.06.2012
Sehr geehrter Herr Schuler, Jens Peter M.,


vielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung zu dieser Veranstaltung: am 29.-30.06.2012.

[.....] (additional details are correct)

==========================expected German email================
= Topic: Anmeldebestätigung: TITEL-DER-VERANSTALTUNG, 29.-30.06.2012
Sehr geehrter Herr Schuler, Jens Peter M.,

vielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung zu dieser Veranstaltung: TITEL-DER-VERANSTALTUNG, am 29.-30.06.2012.

[.....] (additional details are correct)

==========================Netherlands email============
Hallo Test,

Dank u voor uw registratie voor dit evenement: on 30.06.-01.07.2012.
[..](additional details are correct)

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