[TYPO3-seminars] Layout problem in step 1 or 2 of the registration

ACM.Tersteeg at mindef.nl ACM.Tersteeg at mindef.nl
Wed Jun 20 11:04:37 CEST 2012


can Someone help to give me a hint how to solve this issue.

we using typo3 version 4.5.11  for the website www.volksmuziek.nl<http://www.volksmuziek.nl>  , we try to managed this site by volunteers.
In the backend we get the imported notice to update because of

Backend user password hashes and Security status of installed extensions in the sr_feuser_register (version 2.6.1)

so I  perform  the update to sr_feuser_register (version 3.0.1)
and do all the actions needed (we change from the newloginbox to felogin including al the needed steps)

the problem :

in step 1 of the seminar registration process is the layout different as before. the "feuser_data" has no or wrong  layout in the frontend page.
the source looks like the following :

&lt;h3&gt;Jouw adres gegevens:&lt;/h3&gt;
Ton Tersteeg&lt;br /&gt;
E-mail adres: xyz at gmail.com<mailto:xyz at gmail.com> twotsman at gmail.com<mailto:twotsman at gmail.com>&lt;br /&gt;

in the site before the update it looks like

<h3>Jouw adres gegevens:</h3>
Ton Tersteeg<br />
E-mail adres: xyz at gmail.com<mailto:xyz at gmail.com><br />

has this something to do with the character set utf8. ??

I hoop that someone give me a direction.



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