[TYPO3-seminars] Additional prices not displayed in the frontend

Christian BELLET mailing at developpeur-typo3.fr
Thu Aug 5 09:35:56 CEST 2010


I'm new to this list. I have a strange problem when displaying events or 
the registration form after the selection of a particular event.
I set in the backend several prices for FE groups but they are never 
dysplayed :( I only get the regular or special price.
I'd like to offer discount prices for members.

This problem occurs with seminars 0.9.2 or the one I'm using actually 
(0.9.63 - forge)
Here is my Setup (without the Formidable forms configuration) :

Did I forgot something ?

Many thanks


# make the FE plugin work with sb_accessiblecontent
tt_content.list.20.seminars_pi1 =< plugin.tx_seminars_pi1

plugin.tx_seminars {
    # Do not copy this variable into your TS setup! This is needed for 
checking whether this static template has been included correctly.
    isStaticTemplateLoaded = 1

    # Set this to 0 if you don't use the registration feature for this 
site and would like to disable the configuration check for this.
    enableRegistration = 1

    # whether the registration collision check should be skipped for all 
    skipRegistrationCollisionCheck = 0

    # location of the template file
    templateFile = EXT:seminars/Resources/Private/Templates/Mail/e-mail.html

    # whether to use formal or informal language
    salutation = formal

    # comma-separated list of section names that shouldn't be displayed 
in the thank-you e-mail to the user
    hideFieldsInThankYouMail = 

    # the CSS file for the HTML e-mail to the attendees
    cssFileForAttendeeMail = 

    # whether to use the label "Price" for the standard price (instead 
of "standard price") in e-mail to the participant
    generalPriceInMail = 0

    # Comma-separated list of section names from the registration that 
shouldn't be displayed in the notification e-mail to the organizers. 
These fields are the big blocks in that e-mail, and some are further 
    hideFieldsInNotificationMail =

    # comma-separated list of field names from seminars that should be 
mentioned in the notification e-mail to the organizers (in the 
"seminardata" section)
    showSeminarFieldsInNotificationMail = 

    # comma-separated list of field names from fe_users that should be 
mentioned in the notification e-mail to the organizers  (in the 
"feuserdata" section)
    showFeUserFieldsInNotificationMail = 

    # comma-separated list of field names from attendances that should 
be mentioned in the notification e-mail to the organizers  (in the 
"attendancedata" section)
    showAttendanceFieldsInNotificationMail = 

    # Whether to send the additional notification e-mails to the 
organizers or not. Additional notification mails are sent if for example 
an event gets full.
    sendAdditionalNotificationEmails = 1

    # Whether to send a notification to the organizers if a user has 
    sendNotification = 1

    # Whether to send a notification to the organizers if a user has 
    sendNotificationOnUnregistration = 1

    # Whether to send a notification to the organizers if someone 
registered for the queue.
    sendNotificationOnRegistrationForQueue = 1

    # Whether to send a notification to the organizers if the queue has 
been updated.
    sendNotificationOnQueueUpdate = 1

    # Whether to send a confirmation to the user after the user has 
    sendConfirmation = 1

    # Whether to send a confirmation to the user if the user has 
    sendConfirmationOnUnregistration = 1

    # Whether to send a confirmation to the user if the user has 
registered for the queue.
    sendConfirmationOnRegistrationForQueue = 1

    # Whether to send a confirmation to the user if the queue has been 
    sendConfirmationOnQueueUpdate = 1

    # Whether to add the CSV file of the registrations when sending the 
reminder e-mails to the organizers.
    addRegistrationCsvToOrganizerReminderMail = 0

    # the time format (in strftime format)
    timeFormat = %H:%M

    # the strftime format code to extract the year from a date string
    dateFormatY = %Y

    # the strftime format code to extract the month from a date string
    dateFormatM = %m.

    # the strftime format code to extract the day of month from a date 
    dateFormatD = %d.

    # the strftime format code for the full date
    dateFormatYMD = %d.%m.%Y

    # the strftime format code for the month and day of month
    dateFormatMD = %d.%m.

    # whether date ranges should be shortened when possible
    abbreviateDateRanges = 1

    # ISO 4217 alpha 3 code of the currency to be used, must be valid
    currency = EUR

    # whether to also show the time of the registration deadline
    showTimeOfRegistrationDeadline = 0

    # whether to also show the time of the early bird deadline
    showTimeOfEarlyBirdDeadline = 0

    # whether to also show the time of the unregistration deadline
    showTimeOfUnregistrationDeadline = 0

    # Number of days before the start of an event until unregistration 
is possible. (If you want to disable this feature, just leave this value 
    unregistrationDeadlineDaysBeforeBeginDate =

    # whether registration should be possible even if an event has 
already started
    allowRegistrationForStartedEvents = 0

    # whether registration for events without a date should be possible
    allowRegistrationForEventsWithoutDate = 0

    # Whether unregistration is possible even when there are no 
    # on the waiting list yet.
    allowUnregistrationWithEmptyWaitingList = 0

    # If there are at least this many vancancies, "enough" is displayed 
instead of the exact number.
    showVacanciesThreshold = 10

    # whether events that have no standard price set should have "to be 
announced" as price instead of "free"
    showToBeAnnouncedForEmptyPrice = 1

    # whether anyone can access the CSV export function without any 
checks (use this for testing purposes only!)
    allowAccessToCsv = 0

    # The charset for the CSV export, e.g., utf-8, iso-8859-1 or 
    # The default is iso-9959-15 because Excel has problems with 
importing utf-8.
    charsetForCsv = iso-8859-15

    # the filename proposed for CSV export of event lists
    filenameForEventsCsv = events.csv

    # the filename proposed for CSV export of registration lists
    filenameForRegistrationsCsv = registrations.csv

    # comma-separated list of field names from tx_seminars_seminars that 
will be used for CSV export
    fieldsFromEventsForCsv = 

    # comma-separated list of field names from fe_users that will be 
used for CSV export
    fieldsFromFeUserForCsv = 

    # comma-separated list of field names from tx_seminars_attendances 
that will be used for CSV export
    fieldsFromAttendanceForCsv = 

    # whether to show attendances on the registration queue in the CSV 
export or not
    showAttendancesOnRegistrationQueueInCSV = 0

    # comma-separated list of field names from fe_users that will be 
used for CLI CSV export
    fieldsFromFeUserForEmailCsv = 

    # comma-separated list of field names from tx_seminars_attendances 
that will be used for CLI CSV export
    fieldsFromAttendanceForEmailCsv = 

    # whether to show attendances on the registration queue in the CLI 
CSV export or not
    showAttendancesOnRegistrationQueueInEmailCsv = 0

    # whether to send a cancelation deadline reminder to the organizers
    sendCancelationDeadlineReminder = 0

    # how many days before an events' begin date the organizers should 
be reminded about this event via e-mail, zero disables the reminder
    sendEventTakesPlaceReminderDaysBeforeBeginDate = 0

    # The following variables don't have any default values provided.
    # You need to set them yourself for this extension to work correctly.

    # PID of the sysfolder where event registrations (attendances) will 
be stored
    attendancesPID = 67

plugin.tx_seminars_pi1 {
    # Do not copy this variable into your TS setup! This is needed for 
checking whether this static template has been included correctly.
    isStaticTemplateLoaded = 1

    # Set this to 0 if you don't use the registration feature for this 
site and would like to disable the configuration check for this.
    enableRegistration = 1

    # number of clicks to registration (valid options are 2 or 3)
    numberOfClicksForRegistration = 3

    # location of the HTML template file
    templateFile = fileadmin/templates/extensions/seminars/FrontEnd.html

    # location of the front-end event editor template file
    eventEditorTemplateFile = 

    # location of the template file for the registration form
    registrationEditorTemplateFile = 

    # the strftime format code for the full date
    dateFormatYMD < plugin.tx_seminars.dateFormatYMD

    # The page type for the publishing links
    typeNumForPublish = {$plugin.tx_seminars_publication.typeNum}

    # whether to use formal or informal language
    salutation = formal

    # CSS class around the table with the events list view (will be 
automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to set no 
CSS class
    class_eventlist = liste-date

    # CSS class around the selector widget (will be automatically 
prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to set no CSS class
    class_selectorwidget = selectorwidget

    # CSS class around the table with the events list view (will be 
automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to set no 
CSS class
    class_categorylist = categorylist

    # CSS class for the TR with the header row for the events list (will 
be automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to set 
no CSS class
    class_headerrow =

    # CSS classes for the TH of the various columns in the events list 
(will be automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to 
set no CSS class
    class_headercategory =
    class_headertitle = title
    class_headersubtitle =
    class_headeruid =
    class_headerevent_type =
    class_headeraccreditation_number =
    class_headercredit_points =
    class_headerteaser =
    class_headerspeakers =
    class_headerlanguage =
    class_headerdate =
    class_headertime =
    class_headerexpiry = expiry
    class_headerplace =
    class_headercity =
    class_headercountry =
    class_headerseats = seats
    class_headerprice_regular =
    class_headerprice_special =
    class_headertotal_price = total-price
    class_headerorganizers =
    class_headertarget_groups =
    class_headerattached_files = attached-files
    class_headervacancies =
    class_headerstatus_registration =
    class_headerregistration = registration
    class_headerlist_registrations = list-registrations
    class_headerstatus = status
    class_headeredit = edit
    class_headerregistrations =

    # CSS class for the TR for an item row in the events list (will be 
automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to set no 
CSS class
    class_itemrow =

    # CSS classes for the TD of the various columns in the events list 
(will be automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to 
set no CSS class
    class_listimage =
    class_listcategory =
    class_listtitle = title
    class_listsubtitle =
    class_listuid = uid
    class_listevent_type =
    class_listaccreditation_number =
    class_listcredit_points =
    class_listteaser =
    class_listspeakers =
    class_listlanguage =
    class_listdate = date
    class_listtime =
    class_listexpiry = expiry
    class_listplace =
    class_listcity =
    class_listcountry =
    class_listseats = seats
    class_listprice_regular = price
    class_listprice_special = price
    class_listtotal_price =
    class_listorganizers =
    class_listtarget_groups =
    class_listattached_files =
    class_liststatus_registration =
    class_listregistration =
    class_listlist_registrations =
    class_listedit =
    class_listregistrations =

    # CSS class for the colored square indicating the number of 
vacancies (will be automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), 
leave empty to set no CSS class
    class_square = square

    # CSS classes for the registration page (will be automatically 
prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to set no CSS class
    class_error = error

    # CSS class around the table with the category list view (will be 
automatically prefixed with "tx-seminars-pi1-"), leave empty to set no 
CSS class
    class_categorylist = categorylist

    # the PID of a fixed event that should be shown in a detailed view
    showSingleEvent =

    # the time-frame from which events should be displayed in the list view
    timeframeInList = currentAndUpcoming

    # comma-separated list of column names that shouldn't be displayed 
in the list view, e.g. organizers,price_special
    hideColumns = 

    # comma-separated list of field names that shouldn't be displayed in 
the detail view, e.g. organizers,price_special
    hideFields = credit_points,eventsnextday

    # whether the option boxes in the selector widget contain an empty 
entry like "not selected"
    showEmptyEntryInOptionLists = 0

    # comma-separated list of search options which should be shown in 
the search widget.
    displaySearchFormFields =

    # how many years are displayed in the date filter
    numberOfYearsInDateFilter = 2

    # whether the page browser should be hidden in list view
    hidePageBrowser = 0

    # whether canceled events should be hidden or not
    hideCanceledEvents = 0

    # comma-separated list of event types UIDs to filter the list view for,
    # leave empty to have no such filter
    limitListViewToEventTypes =

    # comma-separated list of category UIDs to filter the list view for, 
    # empty to have no such filter
    limitListViewToCategories =

    # comma-separated list of place UIDs to filter the list view for, leave
    # empty to have no such filter
    limitListViewToPlaces =

    # comma-separated list of organizer UIDs to filter the list view 
for, leave
    # empty to have no such filter
    limitListViewToOrganizers =

    # whether to show only events with vacancies on in the list view
    showOnlyEventsWithVacancies = 0

    # the maximum height of the image of a seminar in the list view
    seminarImageListViewHeight = 114
    # the maximum width of the image of a seminar in the list view
    seminarImageListViewWidth = 114
    # whether the list view should always be sorted by category (before 
    # the normal sorting)
    sortListViewByCategory = 0

    # how to display the categories in the event list view: icon, text, both
    categoriesInListView = both

    # whether to use the label "Price" as column header for the standard 
price (instead of "Standard price")
    generalPriceInList = 0

    # whether to use the label "Price" as heading for the standard price 
(instead of "Standard price") in the detailed view and on the 
registration page
    generalPriceInSingle = 0

    # whether to omit the date in the list view if it is the same as the 
previous item's
    omitDateIfSameAsPrevious = 0

    # whether to show the owner data in the single view
    showOwnerDataInSingleView = 0

    # the maximum width of the owner picture in the single view
    ownerPictureMaxWidth = 250

    # who is allowed to view the list of registrations on the front end:
    # "attendees_and_managers", "login" or "world"
    accessToFrontEndRegistrationLists = attendees_and_managers

    # whether to allow the CSV export in the "my VIP events" view
    allowCsvExportOfRegistrationsInMyVipEventsView = 0

    # whether managers may edit their events
    mayManagersEditTheirEvents = 0

    # list of comma-separated names of event fields that should be 
displayed on the registration page (the order doesn't matter)
    eventFieldsOnRegistrationPage = 

    # list of tx_seminars_attendances DB fields to show for the online 
registration (must not be empty)
    showRegistrationFields = 

    # the displayed number of the first registration page (for "step x 
of y")
    numberOfFirstRegistrationPage = 1

    # the displayed number of the last registration page (for "step x of y")
    numberOfLastRegistrationPage = 2

    # whether detailed information for the speakers is shown in the 
single view
    showSpeakerDetails = 1

    # whether detailed information for the locations is shown in the 
single view
    showSiteDetails = 1

    # whether file downloads are limited to attendees only
    limitFileDownloadToAttendees = 1

    # comma-separated list of FEuser fields to show in the list of 
registrations for an event
    showFeUserFieldsInRegistrationsList = name

    # comma-separated list of registration fields to show in the list of 
registrations for an event
    showRegistrationFieldsInRegistrationList =

    # whether one-time FE users will be automatically logged out after 
registering for an event
    logOutOneTimeAccountsAfterRegistration = 1

    # The following variables don't have any default values provided.
    # You need to set them yourself for this extension to work correctly.

    # PID of the sysfolder that contains all the event records (e.g. the 
starting point)
    pages = 64,70

    # number of levels to recurse when accessing the starting point
    recursive = 2

    # PID of the FE page that contains the event list
    listPID = 27

    # PID of the FE page that contains the single view
    detailPID = 65

    # PID of the FE page that contains the "my events" list
    myEventsPID = 72

    # PID of the FE page that contains the seminar registration plug-in
    registerPID = 84

    # PID of the thank-you page that will be displayed after a FE user 
has registered for an event
    thankYouAfterRegistrationPID = 74

    # whether to send GET parameters to the 
    sendParametersToThankYouAfterRegistrationPageUrl = 1

    # # PID of the page that will be displayed after a FE user has 
unregistered from an event
    pageToShowAfterUnregistrationPID = 83

    # Wether to send GET parameters to the 
    sendParametersToPageToShowAfterUnregistrationUrl = 1

    # PID of the FE page that contains the login form or onetimeaccount
    loginPID = 73

    # PID of the page that contains the registrations list for participants
    registrationsListPID = 75

    # PID of the page that contains the registrations list for event 
    registrationsVipListPID = 76

    # UID of the FE user group that is allowed to enter and edit event 
records in the FE
    eventEditorFeGroupID = 2

    # UID of the FE user group for event managers
    defaultEventVipsFeGroupID = 4

    # PID of the page where the plug-in for editing events is located
    eventEditorPID =78

    # PID of the sysfolder where FE-created events will be stored
    createEventsPID = 70

    # PID of the sysfolder where FE-created auxiliary records will be stored
    createAuxiliaryRecordsPID = 71

    # PID of the page that will be shown when an event has been 
successfully entered on the FE
    eventSuccessfullySavedPID =

    # comma-separated list of file extensions which are allowed to be 
    allowedExtensionsForUpload = 

    # comma-separated list of the fields to show in the FE-editor
    displayFrontEndEditorFields = 

    # comma-separated list of the event fields which are required to be 
filled in the FE editor
    requiredFrontEndEditorFields =

    # comma-separated list of the place fields which are required to be 
filled in the FE editor
    requiredFrontEndEditorPlaceFields = city

    # UID of the payment method that corresponds to "bank transfer"
    bankTransferUID =

    # The target for external links in seminars.
    externalLinkTarget =

    # the maximum width of the image of a seminar in the single view
    seminarImageSingleViewWidth = 260

    # the maximum height of the image of a seminar in the single view
    seminarImageSingleViewHeight = 160

    # whether to allow front-end editing of speakers
    allowFrontEndEditingOfSpeakers = 0

    # whether to allow front-end editing of places
    allowFrontEndEditingOfPlaces = 0

    # whether to allow front-end editing of checkboxes
    allowFrontEndEditingOfCheckboxes = 0

    # whether to allow front-end editing of target groups
    allowFrontEndEditingOfTargetGroups = 0



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