[TYPO3-project-seminars] Changing or customizing the extension

ACM.Tersteeg at MINDEF.NL ACM.Tersteeg at MINDEF.NL
Tue Mar 20 14:58:34 CET 2007


As in the manual mentioned it is recommended to contact the developers
if you want to make some changes.
I'm a newbie an fight to all the manuals and get everything running. And
I like it.
So on this moment I using the seminar plug-in and want to make some
changes to it.
I have some more changes in mind but if I know how going on with one the
other will follow

I like to change the output of the list view.
Now in the file class_tx_seminars_seminar_php there is a function

In that function the output is a integer if getVancies() >=
This working fine. But I like to change this in the following line

I hope this line will result in a output in the list view like for
example  " 10(25) " with will means 10 seats available from the 25
I know I can test this and if it works OK but If I like to update the
extension in the future I must make the change again.
So what is the procedure to go with this kind of changes?

Thanks for any reaction.

Ton Tersteeg

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