[TYPO3-project-seminars] Creation the simplified system of registration on seminars

Ilya ilya.smirnoff at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 19:34:02 CEST 2007

Nobody knows how to solve this problem?

> Hello all.
> I have any question about seminar manager plug-in and onetimeaccount
> plug-in.
> (Page https://bugs.oliverklee.com/show_bug.cgi?id=807 Saw, but process
> has understood not completely)
> It is necessary to create the simplified system of registration on seminars.
> In an ideal: the user fills necessary fields and there is a registration.
> I understand, that seminar manager works only with FE users, therefore it
> is necessary to use "onetimeaccount" for creation FE of the user.
> But that the user has seen "Register" at viewing a seminar
> it the user should come on a site as FE (or not?)
> Registration process probably should be such:
> The scheme of registration probably should be such:
> 1. The user comes on a site and chooses the necessary seminar.
> 2. Reads the description of a seminar and fills fields of registration
> (name, e-mail, the company, etc.)
> 3. Presses button "Next" (how I can use "redirect_url" ?).
> 4. There is a registration of the user on a seminar.
> 5. To the organizer and the user come e-mail.
> 6. After registration the user gets on page with the account on payment of a seminar (
> probably it is necessary to use thankYouAfterRegistrationPID)
> 7. On page with the account should be specified ID the user at this seminar
> (for example in the form of "i-023" if it is 23 registered user on
> this action). Whether probably it to make???

> Thanks.

С уважением,
 Ilya                          mailto:ilya.smirnoff at gmail.com

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