[TYPO3-rte] p tags are removed from own database table rte field

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Wed Sep 3 10:38:54 CEST 2014


TYPO3 6.1.9

The p tags get stripped from my own db table rich text editor field. 
Other tags are there just fine (h1 etc, ul, li).

I have now the "Typical" setup and nothing else configured. So 
everything should be default and I want to enable at this point every 
tag inserted in rte.

Strange thing nr 1:
- even though the p tags aren't saved in database (I checked with 
phpMyAdmin), the p tags are there in the backend when opening the record

Strange thing nr 2:
When I try this:
RTE.default.proc {
     entryHTMLparser_db {
         tags {
             p.rmTagIfNoAttrib = 1

I get empty p tags after paragraphs, but around paragraphs they are 
still missing.

So my html looks like this:

<h1>this is title</h1>
blahblah and this should be inside p tags.
second paragraph here

Kind regards,
Katja Lampela

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