[TYPO3-rte] Deleted uploads

Michael Hoffmann info at 24ix.de
Mon Nov 26 09:39:48 CET 2012

Dear all,
I have accidently deleted the entire uploads folder. Until it was 
realised the backups were overwritten with the deleted uploads folder.
I managed to recover the vast majority of the 10.000+ pictures, as all 
of them are on some subdirectories of fileadmin.

However I am still missing about 2.400 pictures. In sys_refindex the 
records from tt_content and tt_news point to files like:

Strangely enough these picture are all relatively old. It seems as if 
there were a RTE - Version that renamed the inserted picture in the way 
shown above. If that is the case does anybody know how I could do that 

Many thanks for your help.

Michael Hoffmann

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