[TYPO3-rte] tinymce_rte does not load in firefox and chrome - loads fine in IE?

Morten Kjems mortenkjems at gmail.com
Sat Jun 5 16:57:35 CEST 2010

Hi Marcus.

I overlooked your reply but here is my answers

> - Error with one of the tinyMCE plugins
> -> Try disabling / enabling them one by one

I  tried to disable all of them by removeing the line: 

That makes no difference.

> - Syntaxerror in the configuration

I use the exact same configuration on another site (with an earlier 
version of typo3 and tinymce_rte) with no problems at all...

> If you post your config here, I will have a look at it.

Here it is:

RTE.default.init {
	# define a stylesheet
         content_css = fileadmin/css/text-editor.css
	theme_advanced_statusbar_location = bottom
	width = 600
	height = 550
	fix_table_elements = true
	# you could override the following option if you don't want to insert 
	file_browser_callback = typo3filemanager
	spellchecker_languages = +Engelsk=en,Dansk=da
	spellchecker_rpc_url = EXT:tinymce_rte/mod3/rpc.php
	# Additional config options for the "forecolor" button.
	# This option enables you to specify the default foreground color.
	theme_advanced_default_foreground_color  = #383838
	# This option controls the colors shown in the palette of colors 
displayed by the text color button. The default is a palette of 40 
colors. It should contain a comma separated list of color values to be 
	theme_advanced_text_colors = 000000,333333,666666,999999,cccccc,8CAAC3
	# This option enables you to disable the "more colors" link for the 
text and background color menus.
	theme_advanced_more_colors = true
	# Additional config options for the "fontsizeselect" button.
	This option should contain a semicolon separated list of font sizes to 
	theme_advanced_font_sizes = 8 pixles=8px,9 pixles=9px,10 pixles=10px,11 
pixles (default)=11px, 12 pixles=12px, 14 pixles=14px, 18 pixles=18px
	#Additional config options for the "font family" button.
	#This option should contain a semicolon separated list of font families 
to include.
	theme_advanced_fonts = Times New Roman (default)=Times New Roman, 
Times, serif; Courier New=Courier New, Courier, monospace
	# Additional config options for the "styleselect" button.
	# This option should contain a semicolon separated list of class titles 
and class names separated by =. The titles will be presented to the user 
in the styles dropdown list and the class names will be inserted. If 
this option is not defined, TinyMCE imports the classes from the 
	theme_advanced_styles = Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 
3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1
	# Additional config options for the "pastetext" button.
	# If enabled double linefeeds are converted to paragraph elements when 
using the plain text dialog. This is enabled by default.
	paste_create_paragraphs = true
	# If enabled single linefeeds are converted to hard line break elements 
when using the plain text dialog. This is enabled by default.
	paste_create_linebreaks = true
	# Additional config options for the "pasteword" button.
	# If disabled then normal cleanup will not be performed after 
wordpaste. This option is enabled by default.
	paste_force_cleanup_wordpaste = true
	# MSIE specific option, if you set this to true both Mozilla and MSIE 
will present a paste dialog. If you set it to false pasting in MSIE will 
be done directly. This option is set to true by default.
	paste_use_dialog = true
	# MSIE specific option. If you enable this feature, a word paste will 
be executed when the user copy/paste content to the editor. This feature 
is disabled by default.
	paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste = true
	# If this feature is enabled middot lists are converted into UL lists, 
these will be assigned a special class.
	paste_convert_middot_lists = true
	# This option enables you to specify what class to assign to the UL 
list of middot converted lists. Middot lists are unindented in MS 
Office. This option defaults to "unIndentedList".
	paste_unindented_list_class = unIndentedList
	# This feature converts H1-6 elements to strong elements on paste, this 
is feature is disabled by default.
	paste_convert_headers_to_strong = true
	# This enables you to control if the word parse operation should remove 
or keep span elements, they will be removed by default.
	paste_remove_spans = true
	# This enables you to control if the word parse operation should remove 
or keep style attributes, they will be removed by default.
	paste_remove_styles = true
	# Comma separated list of search/replace chunks. Where even items is 
the regexp that is to be used for the search and odd values are the 
contents that are to be replaced.
	paste_replace_list = 
	# This feature allows you to control whether or not class attributes 
are stripped when using pasteword. Valid values are:
	#   all - will strip all class attributes from the pasted content. This 
is the default value.
	#   none - will not strip any class attributes from the pasted content.
	#   mso - will strip out all of the class attribute values that start 
with "Mso", but retain all others.
	paste_strip_class_attributes = all
	# This option enables you to specify a callback function. This callback 
is executed when the user pastes word content, the return value of this 
function will be the new content string.
	#paste_insert_word_content_callback =
	# Additional config options for the "link" button.
	# This option should contain a semicolon separated list of class titles 
and class names separated by =. The titles are the ones that get 
presented to the user in the styles drop down list and and the class 
names is the classes that gets inserted.
	advlink_styles =
	# This option should contain a semicolon separated list of link target 
titles and target names separated by =. The titles are the ones that get 
presented to the user in the link target drop down list and and the 
target names is the target that gets inserted as a target attribute.
	#theme_advanced_link_targets = false
	# Additional config options for the "advhr" button.
	extended_valid_elements = hr[class|width|size|noshade]
	# Additional config options for the "nonbreaking" button.
	# This enables you to force TinyMCE to insert three &amp;nbsp; entities 
when the user presses the tab key.
	nonbreaking_force_tab = false
	# Additional config options for the "preview" button.
	# Preview window width. Defaults to 550.
	plugin_preview_width = 550
	# Preview window height. Defaults to 600.
	plugin_preview_height = 600
	# Custom preview page URL relative from theme use 
"../../plugins/preview/example.html" for a example.
	#plugin_preview_pageurl =
	template_templates {
                 10 {
                         title = "Read more" boks
                         src = 
                         description = Indsætter en box der kan folde 
sig ud med et klik


RTE.default {
	callbackJavascriptFile =
	gzip = 1
	gzipFileCache = 1
	defaultLanguageFE = en
	typo3filemanager.window.width = 700
	typo3filemanager.window.height = 600
	typo3filemanagerThumbs.width = 200
	typo3filemanagerThumbs.height = 150
	typo3filemanagerMaxPlainImages.width = 500
	typo3filemanagerMaxPlainImages.height = 500
	linkhandler {
		tt_news {
			# id of the Single News Page
			parameter = 27
			# id of the Storage folder containing the news (just used to mark 
already selected news) [set "storage >" if unsure or the user can select 
from more than one Storage Folder]
			storage = 25
			additionalParams = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={field:uid}
			additionalParams.insertData = 1
			# you need: uid, hidden, header [this is the displayed title] (use xx 
as header to select other properties)
			# you can provide: bodytext [alternative title], starttime, endtime 
[to display the current status]
			select = uid,title as header,hidden,starttime,endtime,bodytext
			sorting = crdate desc
	# Config used for the spellchecker
	spellcheck {
		general.engine = GoogleSpell
		PSpell.mode = PSPELL_FAST
		PSpell.spelling =
		PSpell.jargon =
		PSpell.encoding =
		PSpellShell.mode = PSPELL_FAST
		PSpellShell.aspell =
		PSpellShell.tmp = ./tmp


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