[TYPO3-rte] No rtehtmlarea with TYPO3 4.2.6 since update to the latest PHP Version

Schneider Manuel Manuel.Schneider at dornbirn.at
Wed Jul 7 10:35:09 CEST 2010

Hi list

Since I have updated the Server i have no rtehtmlarea in my TYPO3

We have a TYPO3 (4.2.6) installation on a Debian 4 machine, last week
(at Sunday) we upgraded it to debian 5.0.5. At this time we have a php
version of 5.2.13 (dotdeb) on the machine.
Since this moment i haven't the rte. If i edit a text element i only see
the textarea. My 
I changed to the Extension Manager and deactivate the extension, I have
delete all the temp files on typo3temp and typo3temp/htmlarea.
Then i installed it again. In the settings i change the value uf
Debugmode to get information. If I would now edit a text element i get
again the textarea field with no information.
So i think the rte will not be loaded. 
I have also tried another rte for testing (rte_tinymce) but the same
effect, nothing will be shown.

I tried this things:

- deleted the Cache (Typo3)
- deleted all temp files (typo3temp)
- deleted Browsercache
- try another Browser
- tried every Version of rte since typo3 4.2.6 (in the moment it run
version 1.7.14 from typo3 4.2.12)
- in the localconf.php there is the entry which descripe that the ext is
- in the php.ini the zend.ze1_compatibility_mode flag is off
- deactivate the compressed js of the extension
- activated the rte on every user in the settings of them

My Default configuration settings is typical.
On the root Page of my website have this TS

----------- code ----------------------------------
default {
showButtons = *
enablePersonalDicts = 1
config {
tableName.columnName.showButtons  = *
contentCSS = {$PATH.css}rte.css
tt_content.bodytext.showButtons = *
classesAnchor =

I have also a usergroup witch called +rteConfig with the following TS

----------- code ----------------------------------
options {
RTEkeyList = user, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, subscript,
superscript, lefttoright, righttoleft, left, center, right, justifyfull,
orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, insertcharacter, link,
image, table, findreplace, removeformat, copy, cut, paste, undo, redo,
toggleborders, tableproperties,line, rowproperties, rowinsertabove,
rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, columninsertbefore,
columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit, cellproperties,
cellinsertbefore, columninsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit,

RTESmallWidth = 640

I tried something but nothing helps. Have anybody an idea?


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