[TYPO3-rte] Colors in HTMLsrea RTE

Jeppe Donslund jd at webmasters.dk
Wed Feb 24 11:32:01 CET 2010


I have been surfing the Internet and trying different things but nothing 

I try to add 2 colors to my htmlsrea rte.
I can choose the colors, but they are are not saved. They disappear when 
I hit save.

My code:

# ==================================
# ==================================
## Tilladte farver i RTE
# General configuration of the available colors
RTE.colors {
    color1 {
      name = Red
      value = #a92a18
    color2 {
      name = Light grey
      value = #c4c4c4
    noColor {
      name = Transparent
      value =

RTE.default.useCSS = 1

# Spcific settings for the font color selector:
RTE.default.colors = color1, color2, noColor

# Disables the color picker matrix in all color dialogs
RTE.default.disableColorPicker = 1

RTE.default {
    defaultLinkTarget = _top

    ##Definition af de forskellige klasser
    classesCharacter = color1, color2, noColor
    classesParagraph = color1, color2, noColor

    ## List all class selectors that are allowed on the way to the database
    proc.allowedClasses = color1, color2, noColor

## Tilladte knapper
    showButtons = bold, italic, underline, left, center, right, 
justifyfull, orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, textcolor, 
bgcolor, insertcharacter, line, link, image, findreplace, spellcheck, 
chMode, inserttag, removeformat, copy, cut, paste, undo, redo, showhelp, 
table, toggleborders, tableproperties, rowproperties, rowinsertabove, 
rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, columninsertbefore, 
columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit, cellproperties, 
cellinsertbefore, cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge, 
linebreak, blockstylelabel, blockstyle, formatblock

## Rækkefølgen af knapperne
    toolbarOrder = bold, italic, underline, space, bar, space, left, 
center, right, justifyfull, space, bar, space, orderedlist, 
unorderedlist, outdent, indent, space, bar, space, insertcharacter, 
line, link, image, textcolor, bgcolor, space, bar, space, chMode, 
inserttag, bar, space, linebreak, copy, cut, paste, undo, redo, space, 
bar, space, findreplace, spellcheck, space, removeformat, space, bar, 
space, linebreak, blockstylelabel, blockstyle, textstylelabel, 
textstyle, space, formatblock, space, linebreak, table, toggleborders, 
tableproperties, rowproperties, rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, 
rowdelete, rowsplit, columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, 
columndelete, columnsplit, cellproperties, cellinsertbefore, 
cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge, bar, space,

    ## Instruct htmlArea RTE to ignore properties mainStyleOverride and 
inlineStyle.ignoreMainStyleOverride = 1

    ## Følgende styleSheet bliver benyttet
    ## HUSK AT ændre navnet på stylesheet ved ændringer, da
    ## ændringer ellers ikke slår igennem
    #contentCSS = fileadmin/templates/[navn]/css/htmlarea.css

Any clue?

Jeppe Donslund

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