[TYPO3-RTE] Feature - allow classesAnchor.type to have more than one entry

Florian Schaeffer florian.schaeffer at mercoline.de
Thu Mar 19 09:34:21 CET 2009

Hello Stan & all,

I checked the actual shipped version of HTMLArea (1.7.9) and wanted to
use a defined classesAnchor-Entry for more than one type (meaning use it
for files, pages, url ...).

I searched the net and your docs and found some examples which claimed
to simply note the desired typed divided by a colon....

So I tried:

RTE.classesAnchor {
     externalLink {
         class = external-link
         type = url, file, page
         titleText =

That only lead to the complete disappearance of that defined class in
all dialogues.

So I dived into the code and found the
class.tx_rtehtmlarea_browse_links.php which is responsible for
generating that popup-window

I found the function init which generates the selector-dropdown for the
available classes and there I discovered, that the defined classes are
compared against the available anchorTypes by using a in_array call.

So I don't see any possibility here to use more than one type per class
definition. I therefore changed this funtion to also accept more than
one type (divided by colon).

Maybe that feature is also interesting for somebody else ... I yes, I 
would open a bug and attach the diff to it..


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