[TYPO3-RTE] block style drop down vs buttons

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Tue Aug 26 20:08:21 CEST 2008

Hi Masi,
> Since 4.2 the buttons for alignment may use classes instead of attributes.
> How can I use them in the RTE without showing them in the block style
> drop down? I don't use showTagFreeClasses and I don't have the alignment
> classes listed in classes.blockstyle.div,  yet they are shown.
If option buttons.blockstyle.div is not set, and option classesParagraph 
is not set, they will still appear in the drop down if the classes are 
defined in the css file with the div selector. If they are present in 
the css file, but prevented from appearing in the class drop down by 
means of one of the two options, the dropdown will show "Unknown block 
style" when a div element has an alignmnet class assigned, because it is 
designed to show the current class assignment and can't if the class 
cannot be shown.
> I don't like to have the same feature twice. Once as drop down option
> and once as button.
Currently, you can only remove the button.
> The same applies to the table (cell) properties. As alignment is set via
> classes, I don't want them to appear in the class drop down.
> Question: When I use tag selectors in CSS, is there any point in
> configuring classes.blockstyle.*?
Only if you want to restrict the classes that will appear in the drop down.


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