[TYPO3-RTE] Problem with Text and Images

Guido tum Suden guido at tumsuden.de
Mon May 21 13:16:45 CEST 2007

this may be an old one but since I don't know:

I want my editors to write all the text including images in rte.
Lets say there is a short text with three paragraphs and two images
First paragraph normal, second with image left and text right, third 
with image right and text left.

The problem: The text of the third paragraph will begin beneath the 
second paragraph, meaning to the right side of the first image and not, 
like I want, on the left side of the second image.

How can I change that?
Linebreaks are certainly not a good idea.
I tried to put a paragraph and one image in a div-tag but that's gone as 
soon as I save and besides that's too complicated for the editors.


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