[TYPO3-RTE] tt_news and HTMLarea rendering issue

Tyler Kraft headhunterxiii at yahoo.ca
Sat May 6 17:02:27 CEST 2006


Warning this is a long posting, and its on the rte news 
group for help (also posted on main English group, and the 
news group as it seems to predominantly effect that content, 
and for any help possible ;-)

Ok, I'm not saying its a bug or where the issue actually 
lies, but I do need help in solving a major problem!  And 
soon, as the client is loosing confidence in Typo3 rapidly....

Firstly the setup:
Typo3 V4.0 (although originally began development on 
V4.0beta2), htmlarea 1.3.7 (originally 1.2.0), tt_news 
2.2.24, with many other extensions used

Secondly the problem:
When we/client edit content we will have it formatted the 
way we want it to be with properly used semantic markup 
(h3-h6, p, ul, ol, li, etc) and then save it, and view on 
the front end, where it looks exactly as we want and the way 
it is in the RTE.  Great - All's fine and we leave it.  But 
then if we look at it the next day (in some case days later) 
it often will be rendered differently and have lost large 
amounts of the formatting and no longer be structured 
correctly. It will have often have one large P tag wrapping 
around what should be and was many headlines, paragraphs and 
lists suddenly.  During this time no one will have made any 
changes to the content and I have not altered the the system 
at all in any way.  It almost appears as if it just stops 
rendering correctly on the front end for no apparent reason. 
Yet some articles continue to look fine and render correctly.

And if I look at the source in the DB its fine. But if one 
opens up the article and re-saves it, it will have 
permanently lost many of the paragraph tags when it 
re-enters the RTE, but it will return to the correct 
rendering on the FE, with content sort of being rendered 
correctly, and not nesting tags inside paragraphs. And then 
looking at the DB again the content will have not changed 
*at all* upon re-saving, but it will render totally different.

This seems to be an issue for only tt_news content (so far). 
It behaved this way with the default RTE setup, so I 
originally though it was due to needing tweaking of the RTE 
setup, but that still has not solved the issue - nor has 
upgrading the RTE from 1.2.0 to 1.3.7. Any help or 
suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Is it possible that this is related to posting 
"[TYPO3-ttnews] htmlarea configuration has no effect in 
tt_news" from Sacha Vorbeck on 30/03/2006?

Below is the RTE setup (installed as demo setting, with 
images enabled), followed by the source code after it has 
lost much of the formatting suddenly (I don't think anyone 
needs to she what the desired source code should be like, as 
we all know what correctly rendered content is ;-)

Thanks in advance for any help.

############### RTE  1.3.7  ~  BEGIN #################


	## Define labels and styles to be applied to class 
selectors in the interface of the RTE. The examples included 
here make partial re-use of color scheme and frame scheme 
from CSS Styled Content extension
	classes {
		align-left {
			name = 
			value = text-align: left;
		align-center {
			name = 
			value = text-align: center;
		align-right {
			name = 
			value = text-align: right;

	## Anchor classes configuration for use by the anchor 
accessibility feature (htmlArea RTE only)
	classesAnchor {
		externalLink {
			class = external
			type = url
			image >
			altText >
			titleText >
		externalLinkInNewWindow {
			class = external
			type = url
			image >
			altText >
			titleText >
		internalLink {
			class = internal
			type = page
			image >
			altText >
			titleText >
		internalLinkInNewWindow {
			class = internal
			type = page
			image >
			altText >
			titleText >
		download {
			class = download
			type = file
			image >
			altText >
			titleText >
		mail {
			class = mail
			type = mail
			image >
			altText >
			titleText >

	default {
		skin = EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/skins/default/htmlarea.css

		## Use stylesheet file rather than mainStyleOverride and 
inlineStyle properties to style the contents
		contentCSS = fileadmin/template/resources/rtestyle.css

		classesParagraph = align-left, align-center, align-right
		classesImage = align-left, align-center, align-right
		classesTable =
		classesTD = align-left, align-center, align-right
		classesCharacter =
		classesLinks = external, internal, download, mail
		classesAnchor = external, internal, download, mail
		classesAnchor.default {
			page = internal
			url = external
			file = download
			mail = mail

		disableContextMenu = 0
		disableTYPO3Browsers = 0
		disableSelectColor = 0
		mainStyleOverride >
		useCSS = 0
		disableEnterParagraphs = 0
		defaultLinkTarget =
		enableWordClean = 1
		removeTrailingBR = 1
		removeComments = 1
		removeTags = center, font, o:p, sdfield, strike
		removeTagsAndContents = style,script

		showButtons = *
		showButtons >
		showButtons = formatblock, bold, italic, underline, 
orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, 
insertcharacter, image, link, removeformat, line, copy, cut, 
paste, undo, redo, findreplace, left, center, right, 
showhelp, acronym, spellcheck, subscript, superscript, 
table, toggleborders, tableproperties, rowproperties, 
rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, 
columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, columndelete, 
columnsplit, cellproperties, cellinsertbefore, 
cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge, class
		hideButtons = blockstylelabel, blockstyle, textstylelabel, 
textstyle, fontstyle, fontsize, strikethrough, lefttoright, 
righttoleft, justifyfull, textcolor, bgcolor, textindicator, 
emoticon, user, inserttag, chMode, about
		keepButtonGroupTogether = 1

		showStatusBar =  1
		showTagFreeClasses = 1
		hidePStyleItems = pre,address,h1
		hideTags = font, font (full), strike, center, pre, address
		enablePersonalDicts = 1

		hideTableOperationsInToolbar = 0
		keepToggleBordersInToolbar = 1
		disableAlignmentFieldsetInTableOperations = 0
		disableSpacingFieldsetInTableOperations = 0
		disableColorFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
		disableLayoutFieldsetInTableOperations = 0
		disableBordersFieldsetInTableOperations = 0

		proc {
			overruleMode = ts_css
			dontConvBRtoParagraph = 1
			remapParagraphTag = p
			keepPDIVattribs = xml:lang, style, class

			allowTagsOutside = img, table, tbody, thead, tfoot, td, 
th, tr, tt, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, blockquote, caption, img
			allowTags = a, abbr, acronym, blockquote, b, br, caption, 
cite, code, div, em, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, li, 
link, nobr, ol, p, pre, q, sdfield, span, strong, sub, sup, 
table, tbody, thead, tfoot, td, th, tr, tt, u, ul, dd, dl, 
dt, caption
			denyTags = pre, hr, address, sdfield, center, font, h1

			## List all class selectors that are allowed on the way 
to the database
			allowedClasses = external, internal, download, mail, 
align-left, align-center, align-right

			entryHTMLparser_db = 1
			entryHTMLparser_db {
				allowTags < RTE.default.proc.allowTags
				allowTagsOutside < RTE.default.proc.allowTagsOutside
				denyTags < RTE.default.proc.denyTags
				htmlSpecialChars = 0	## AVOID TO HSC TWICE

				removeTags = center, font, o:p, sdfield, strike, hr, 
address, pre, h1
				keepNonMatchedTags = protect
				noAttrib = br,dl,dt,dd
				tags {
					img >

					span.fixAttrib.style.unset = 1
					p.allowedAttribs = class,style

					div.fixAttrib.align.unset = 1
					hr.allowedAttribs = 0

					b.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					blockquote.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					cite.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					em.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					i.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					q.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					strong.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					sub.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					sup.allowedAttribs = xml:lang
					tt.allowedAttribs = xml:lang


			HTMLparser_db {
of tags is not set, it will default to: 
However, we want to keep xml:lang attribute on most tags and 
tags from the default list where cleaned on entry.
				noAttrib = br
				## XHTML COMPLIANCE - Note that applying xhtml_cleaning 
on exit would break non-standard attributes of typolink tags
				xhtml_cleaning = 1

			exitHTMLparser_db = 1
			exitHTMLparser_db {

				allowTags < RTE.default.proc.allowTags
				allowTagsOutside < RTE.default.proc.allowTagsOutside

				denyTags < RTE.default.proc.denyTags

				## REMAP B AND I TAGS - b and i tags are used by 
Mozilla/Firefox in editing mode. This must be done on exit 
because the default HTMLparser_db parsing executes the 
reverse mapping.
				tags.b.remap = strong
				tags.i.remap = em

				## KEEP ALL TAGS - Unwanted tags were removed on entry, 
without this rule, the parser will remove all tags! 
Presumably, this rule will be more efficient than repeating 
the allowTags rule
				keepNonMatchedTags = 1
				htmlSpecialChars = 0		## AVOID CONTENT BEING HSC'ed TWICE

		} // close proc

	} // close default

} // close RTE

	## Use same processing as on entry to database to clean 
content pasted into the editor
#RTE.default.enableWordClean.HTMLparser < 

	## tt_content RTE configuration
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext >
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.proc.overruleMode = ts_css
= ts_css
= ts_css

	## Use same RTE config in FE
RTE.default.FE < RTE.default
RTE.default.FE.showStatusBar = 0
RTE.default.FE.hideButtons = chMode
RTE.default.FE.userElements >
RTE.default.FE.userLinks >
RTE.default.FE.showButtons < RTE.default.showButtons
RTE.default.FE.proc.allowTagsOutside < 
RTE.default.FE.proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags.img >

	## tt_content TCEFORM configuration
TCEFORM.tt_content.bodytext.RTEfullScreenWidth= 100%
############### RTE  1.3.7  ~  END #################

The rendered HTML (will lost/wrong formatting):

	<div id="main"><!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--><a id="c1"></a>

<div class="news-single-item">
		<h1>OpenOffice.org 1.01 office suite</h1>
		<span class="level"><img 
src="fileadmin/template/resources/level1.gif" alt="Level" 
width="45" height="19" class="valign" />Basic</span>
		<p class="intro">OpenOffice.org is the open source, free 
version of Sun Microsystems StarOffice suite. It was started 
as a community project to be worked upon by a team of 
volunteer developers back in 2000. With Microsoft Office 
Standard edition costing around £100 per licensed copy for 
charities, is OpenOffice.org the way to go for cash-strapped 
organisations? In January 2003, Lasa's Information Systems 
Team (IST) looked at the second release OpenOffice.org 1.01 
and took the Writer application for a test drive...</p>
		<p><h2>Open Source?</h2>
Open source software is a method of software development and 
licensing and doesn't just mean you have access to the 
source code for development purposes or that it's free. 
Generally speaking, open source software requires the 
distribution of the code, in a readable form, with the 
application. Access to the code allows people to make 
changes to the software, add features, or build other 
applications that will work with it. They can distribute 
these changes as long as the source code stays open. Open 
source software is usually developed by a community of 
people who are associated by interest in the project. 
Changes, upgrades, and often the main application itself, 
are made by people who are volunteering their time. They are 
usually working for the end result - the ability to use a 
tool that does what they need it to do - rather than for 
financial gain. For more information see the <a 
class="external">open source definition</a> on the <a 
href="http://www.opensource.org/" class="external">Open 
Source Initiative (OSI) website</a>.

<h2>Getting OpenOffice.org </h2>
The suite is available as a 50Mb zip file download from <a 
class="external">OpenOffice.org</a> and is also available on 
CDROM from <a 
class="external">various outlets</a>.&nbsp;OpenOffice.org 
1.01 (Ooo101 for short) will run on a PC with a Pentium or 
compatible processor with a minimum of 64 MB <a 
class="glossary"><dfn title="Random Access 
Memory">RAM</dfn></a> running Windows 95 or higher with 
approximately 190 to 250 MB of free hard drive space. After 
unzipping the files, installation is simple and painless - 
clicking on setup.exe starts a familiar install wizard and 
you are soon ready to run the applications.
<h3>What do you get?</h3>
<strong></strong> There are 5 component parts of Ooo101:
</p><ul><li>Writer, the word processor</li><li>Calc, 
spreadsheet</li><li>Impress, presentations</li><li>Draw, for 
graphics</li><li>Math for creating equations </li></ul><p>

What's missing from a comprehensive suite is a database and 
an Outlook-style application. The Adabas database can, 
however, be obtained if you purchase StarOffice instead 
(around £45 per single user license which includes support). 
But Adabas is not a simple database program to get your head 
around especially if you've been used to Access. The lack of 
an email client could possibly be addressed by use of one of 
the other free clients such as the highly regarded Eudora or 
Pegasus Mail or maybe the open source option like Phoenix 
Mail. In addition, the <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/" 
class="external">Mozilla</a> open source Web browser&nbsp; 
includes its own email client and of course Microsoft's <a 
class="glossary"><dfn>Internet</dfn></a> Explorer, which is 
free, includes Outlook Express. This won't, however, give 
you all the functionality of Outlook like the calendar, task 
lists etc. In a networked environment you may need a mail 
server but there are low cost alternatives to the ubiquitous 
Exchange Server such as the shareware <a 
class="external">VPOP3</a>, Ipswitch's <a 
class="external">Imail Server</a> or Eudora's <a 
class="external">WorldMail Server</a>.&nbsp;

<h2>Writer </h2>
As word processing is the most commonly used application, we 
concentrated on looking at Writer and wrote this article 
using it. Users familiar with Word or any other word 
processing package shouldn't have too much trouble getting 
their head around Writer. Typing up a fairly standard 
document such as this article presented no real problems. 
Most of the word processing features you are used to are 
there : fonts, formatting, columns, mail merge, headers, 
graphics, tables, spell check, etc. etc. Writer will save in 
various formats including Word 6 onwards, native Ooo101 text 
(.sxw - a zipped up XML) and template, text, rtf, web page 
etc. Opening a Writer document saved in Word format in Word 
produced slight formatting differences with bulleted lists, 
for example, but no problem with a table with background 
colours, merged and split cells. Opening a Word file in 
Writer is generally OK but Word doesn't like opening .sxw 
files though! This could lead to potential hazards when 
exchanging files with other organisations who are likely to 
be using Microsoft products. Whilst there were a number of 
features that were liked in Writer they were outnumbered by 
annoyances such as inconsistencies with Word's shortcuts, 
formatting differences, lack of some familiar tool and mail 
merges being hard work.
<h2>Should you go open source? </h2>
So, is it a viable alternative to the all-powerful Microsoft 
suites for a small organisation? The pros are that the price 
is right, it's fairly easy to use, and it does everything 
(and more) that you're likely to want to do. If you are 
uneasy about the stranglehold that Microsoft has over the 
software industry - or are an active supporter of the open 
source movement - then Ooo101 is going to appeal to you. 
However, at the moment there are significant cons - for 
example, at the time of writing there is little formal 
training available for users. Whilst staff may be competent 
in Word, say, they may require some cross-training and 
that's just not around very much at the moment. Consequently 
there's likely to be more pressure on internal support staff 
(if you have them!) especially in the short term. The good 
news is that at least one U.K. based IT training 
organisation, <a href="http://www.happy.co.uk" 
class="external">Happy Computers</a> is planning to run 
courses on Star Office in the near future. <a 
class="external">Community Technology</a> also offer 
training in OpenOffice and other open source software. If 
you want to read about OpenOffice.org and train yourself, 
again there are few OpenOffice books listed by Amazon 
although there are a number planned for publication. The My 
OpenOffice.org Resource Kit user's guide and CD by Solveig 
Haughland and Floyd Jones is now available from sources 
including <a 
class="external">amazon.co.uk</a>. You can also get a fairly 
comprehensive 460 page manual if you buy StarOffice. At 
present OpenOffice.org is more likely to find favour with 
large organisations who don't want to go up the Microsoft 
upgrade path anymore and can afford the luxury of having 
in-house trainers and support staff. But for a download 
which might cost you the price of a pint it could be just 
what you're looking for - why not check it out for yourself?
<h2>More information</h2>
The latest version of OpenOffice.org, is available from the 
<a href="http://www.openoffice.org" 
class="external">OpenOffice.org website</a>. Version 2.02 
contains new features and bug fixes. Visit the website for a 
<a href="http://www.openoffice.org/product/" 
class="external">product description</a>.For more on open 
source issues see the knowledgebase articles &quot;<a 
href="news.php?id=230">Going with open source 
software</a>&quot; and <a href="news.php?id=231">Open source 
is on the map</a>.

<h2>Non open source low priced alternatives </h2>
It might also be worth considering one of the other office 
suites around if you don't want to go open source but still 
want to save money. <a 
class="external">Lotus Smartsuite</a> (v 9.8 includes Word 
Pro, 1-2-3, Freelance, Approach, Smart Centre, Organiser and 
Fast Site) -&nbsp; around £15 plus delivery at <a 
href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/">Amazon.co.uk</a> (Apr 2006)</p>
	<br class="clear" /><!--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->

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