[TYPO3-RTE] Helping fixing some bugs in tinyrte (TinyMCE)

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Sat Jun 10 07:34:36 CEST 2006


TinyMCE looks really nice but it has some bad bugs
in typo3link plugin. Thomas has not have time to fix
those bugs.
Could Peter and other Typo3-specialist look at that
plugin and help fixing bugs. All of them relate with
redefing of existing links. That works *only* for
internal links, which don't have anchors.

It is a little bit annoying to tell customers that
they would not try to redefine existing links but just unlink existing 
links and totally redefine them.

Why I like TinyMCE is nicer layout.
The layout of the dialogs are nice
Windows XP -style and it use full XP-style button set.
Buttons can set nicely into 1-4 rows.
I made XCLASS for template.php and get XP-style tabs to the
entire BE interface of Typo3. tinyrte looks then as
a part of Typo3. If RTE doesn't fit fully to the interface,
the layout of the interface looks non-professional.

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